41~ one lost and one gained

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"Come on you damn Pokemon!" Milly yelled in annoyance.

:Samurai what's damn mean?:

~It's a word you're not allowed to say so don't worry.~

:But Samurai!: I whined.

Milly threw another Pokeball at the Pokemon she was battling, a Poliwhirl as Jake said. It wasn't easy. The water type had broken out of several balls already and both Scout and Moon had fainted leaving Serene as Mily's final Pokemon. The Snivy had taken a lot of damage already and if Milly didn't capture the Pokemon soon then she would have to leave it.

The Pokéball shook once, twice but broke open again and with a flash of bright white light the Pokemon leapt out. He was breathing hard, close to falling himself.

The water type Pokemon let out a growl and shot a beam of water gun at Serene.

Serene let out a cry as she hit the ground.

"Come on Serene you can do it!" Milly urged her Pokemon on.

The Snivy looked up at Milly then the Poliwhirl she closed her eyes and her body started to glow.

"Serene's evolving!" Milly exclaimed excitedly.

Not much changed for her appearance. She grew taller and leave like spiky things grew from her back. Other than that she was pretty much the same. Some of her details changed a little but not much.

~Servine!~ Serene yelled standing taller. She charged in at Poliwhirl, her tail glowing bright green as she hit Poliwhirl with it.

"Serene learned Leaf blade." Jake said sounding impressed.

Milly took out another Pokéball, this one blue with two little red dots on the top, she enlarged it and through it at Poliwhirl. It shook once


We all held our breath as it shook once more.

Then clicked.

"I did it!" Milly squealed jumping in the air and fist pumping.

~Servine!~ Serene exclaimed looking herself over. ~Vine!~

Milly ran up to her Pokemon and hugged her. "Thank you so much Serene!"

~Ser.~ Serene smiled climbing into Milly shoulder.

Milly ran over to her new Pokemon in its Pokéball which was still lying in the ground. Milly picked it up and threw it.

"Whirlpool, come on out!" Milly smiled.

The Poliwhirl looked a little confused when Milly knelt down in front of it. "Do you want to come with me?" Milly asked. "I don't want to force you. Even though that was an awesome battle."

Poliwhirl, or Whirlpool, thought for a second before hitting his two fists together and nodded. ~Poliwhirl.~

"Yay!" Milly smiled and hugged her new Pokemon.

"Great job Milly." Jake praised.

Milly beamed. "Thanks Jake."

I clapped my hands as started jumping up and down for no reason what so ever other than because I was excited, but I was soon given a quick reminder of the cut along my back as it started to send quick needles of pain all though my back.

I stopped and quickly blinked back my tears, looking in the distance in hope that no one would notice.

~Are you alright Paige?~ Gardenia asked making everyone look at me.

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