15~ Samurai's win

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>Paige's pov<

Samurai hit his blades together, sliding them along each other making an X shape before his slashed his arms to his sides. He let out a grunt and gave Leavany a taunting look. ~Okay Paige. I'm ready.~

I nodded. :Okay, use Leaf Blade:

Samurai nodded, charging in while his arm blade grew longer, tinting green. He let out a grunt and leapt into the air, doing a flip and bringing down his bladed arm on Leavany's chest. Leavany was knocked back a bit but she easily got back up. Samurai bounded back into the air.

"Leavany, use Energy Ball while the Gallde is up close."

Leavany's nodded, quickly forming and firing a ball of green energy at Samurai before he could land.

Samurai was blown back several feet, crashing into a nearby tree. He let out a grunt, pulling himself to his feet, wincing slightly in pain. :Samurai, are you okay?: I asked, worried about my Pokèmon.

He nodded. ~I'm fine Paige. What next?~

:Umm... Try Confusion: I furrowed my brown, trying to ember what moves Samurai knew.

Samurai's eyes turned pink as a psychic bond formed between Leavany and himself. Leavany flinch slightly.

"Leavany, snap out of it and use Bug Bite." Burgh ordered.

Leavany shook it's head and charged toward Samurai, glowing yellow-green fangs sprouted form it's mouth. Samurai was still recovering from his previous hit and didn't have the time to dodge. He cried out slightly in pain when Leavany chomped down on his arm.

:Samurai, use Karate Chop!: I ordered quickly.

Samurai's good arm started to glow with a browny hue as he swung it back, then foreword at a blinding speed. He landed a direct hit on Leavany back, making the bug type Pokèmon crumple to the ground, fainted.

:YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY SAMURAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: I cheered into his head as loud as possible, running forward and throwing my arms around my Pokèmon friend.

~Damn it Paige! Not so loud.~ Samurai shook his head and limped away from the fainted Leavanny with my help.

I gave him a look of pure innocences and he shook his head and patted my head. ~What am I ever going to do with you?~

I gave him another innocent smile and he walked over to Gardenia while I was tackled to the ground by Miku.

~Mana win!~ She smiled clinging to my neck. ~YAAAAAAY!!!~

Naw, cutie.

I gave her a bug hug as Burgh walked over. "That was an extraordinary battle and blah blah blah."

Yeah, I stopped paying attention and started tickling Miku as Burgh gave up talking to me and started talking to Jake instead.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Burgh holding out a shiny gold-green thingy to me.

SHINY THINGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡

I took the badge from his hand and rub it against my cheek (that flat side derp :P) with my eyes shining as much as the badge while Jake and Milly just fell down anime style.

What? I like shiny objects.

"Let's go Paige." Jake sighed. "I gotta get ready for my battle tomorrow."

I stood up and held Miku while Nyuu jumped onto my head.

~Sew sew-addle!~ She cheered.

Naw, cutie.

:Alright! LET'S GO!!!: I cheered jumping into the air and fist pumped.

Samurai shook his head, Gardenia rolled her eyes while Miku and Nyuu cheered with me.

Jake rolled his eyes and left with Milly following.

Hey! They left me behind! I'm the one who's meant to do that... by accident of course, or is it.

"Paige! Hurry up!" Jake said from the door.

Damn it! I swear being mute is the most annoying thing EVER!!!

I sighed and ran to catch up with then. My new shiny badge in my hand.

I was mute, I can't change it, so what's the point on dwelling on the impossible. I just had to make the most out of what I had. I didn't have much but for the very first time, I had my freedom and with that, I felt like I could have anything the world had to offer. I could build my own team of friends, travel around with Jake and Milly for as long as they'd have me and travel the world. I didn't care about battling or being the very best or anything. I just wanted to see everything the world has and have fun the entire time.


Sorry this was so short. I lost my note book which had all my notes for all my books written in it.

I can't find it anywhere so chapters may be shorter with long gaps I'm between sorry

Edit- once again no longer short. :P

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