50~ safe now and forever

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I pulled weakly at Ghetsis's hand which was cutting off most my air supply but my little hands did nothing against his strength. The little air I could breath in wasn't enough to sooth my burning lungs.

:Samurai help me!: I whimpered. :Please: I looked over to him weakly, struggling to move from the lack of air.

Samurai raised his fists but didn't do anything his expression looked angry, upset and conflicted.

"How does one, pathetic little runt, who can't even speak, somehow stop the whole of Team Plasma!?" Ghetsis growled as I clawed more and more desperately at his hand, scratching away some of his skin so small trails of blood ran down his hand but his grip didn't loosen. "Well you won't get in my way anymore. I'll make sure of that."

My attempts to free myself were becoming weaker and weaker as dark spots interrupted my vision. The calls of my friends and Pokemon were fading as I struggled to free myself from Ghetsis's iron grip.

>Jake's pov<

Paige's body was slowly becoming limp. I felt so useless, if I didn't do anything Ghetsis would strangle her if I did, he would snap her neck. I balled my hands into fists as N started yelling.

"We had a deal, you said you wouldn't hurt her!" He yelled.

"I agreed not to hurt her if Pokemon are liberated from people, you failed so I don't have to keep my side of the deal." His grip relaxed slightly and Paige took this opportunity to breath in deeply, letting out small whimpers.

"Let her go! What ever problem you have with her I'll deal with, just let her go." N said deadly serious.

Ghetsis smirked. "Well it seems I have the upper hand." He turned to Paige who was still weakly struggling from his grip. "Literally."

"What do you what Ghetsis?" N hissed taking a step forward but recoiled when Ghetsis tightened his grip on Paige. "I told you not to come closer." He sneered.

Paige whimpered and started gasping for air again. Her fingers barely being able to pull at Ghetsis hand, not being able to fight anymore. I don't know how much longer she would be able to last.

"Let Paige go and we'll give you whatever it is you want." N said through the grit of his teeth.

Paige weakly opened her eyes and looked over at N, whimpering again. By the look on her face you could tell she was in a lot of pain and she was still gasping for air but seemed as if she wasn't getting any. Tears poured from her eyes as they fluttered close again.

~That! Is! IT!~ Samurai hissed and a bright glow filled the room, almost like a Pokemon was evolving but brighter.

The glow came from Samurai. His blades grew thicker, stronger. The curve on his head changed shape and a cape sprouted for his back.

While everyone, including Ghetsis, was recovering of Samurai Mega Evolving spontaneously he charged forward his blades glowing with a Close Combat attack as he slammed his right hand into Ghetsis's side making him drop Paige, she fell to the ground completely limp, gasping for air while coughing and sobbing. Samurai hit Ghetsis again and again, pushing him further and further from Paige's fallen figure.

N was the first to recover, dashing forward and pulling Paige protectively into his arms as she coughed and sobbed while trying to regain her breath which wasn't really working. Her eyes were still tightly closed and her neck was turning a mixture of blues, purple and black.

I was next to her side, rubbing her back while trying to encourage her to stop sobbing so she could breath. I glanced over at Samurai who was being dragged back by the rest of Paige's Pokemon, away from what looked like Ghetsis's unconscious figure.

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