47~ not going to fail again

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Nicole pulled the next Pokéball off her air and threw it in the air, releasing the Pokemon inside. I vaguely remembered it as Gothitelle, a psychic type like Gummie. Gummie flinched slightly and straightened up again, even though round.

:You ready Gummie?: I asked.

~As I'll ever be.~

"Get ready to loose runt. Gothitelle, use Flatter!"

:Gummie, dodge!: I called in response.

With a brisk nod Gummie flew higher into the air, barely missing the flatter.

:Now Shadow Ball!:

Gummie's eyes turned darker and a purple sphere formed in front of her. She turned her head slightly to the side and flicked it at Gothitelle in one fluid movement.

"Gothitelle use Protect." Nicole countered.

Hey that's my thing!

The Shadow Ball bounce away harmlessly, just as Bisharp's did when Gardenia used the move.

I bit my bottom lip. Gothitelle knowing Protect would make this battle harder.

"Gothitelle Psychic." Nicole said, sounding a lot more in control than the first two battles.

Gothitelle's eyes glowed pink and she picked Gummie from the air and smashed her into one of the stone columns before making her hit another and dropping her.

:Gummie!: I called through the smoke that had formed.

A bright glow erupted from the smoke filling the room.

"Gummie's evolving!" Jake exclaimed.

When the smoke, dust and light finally settled Gummie was no longer just a round ball of cuteness. She had grown more oval with little nobs coming from her head and to the front of either side of her body.


"Gummie evolved into Duosion!" Kay exclaimed.

:Are you alright Gummie?: I asked worriedly.

~Are you kidding? I'm amazing!~

:Okay then, use Recover than Shadow Ball!: I ordered.

Gummie's body became cloaked in light as her health was partly restored. She quickly flew to the side, narrowly missing an attack from Gothitelle and fired the biggest Shadow Ball I've seen.

"Duosion's have two brains, when both think the same thing their power is maximised." Jake nodded.

~And right now, both Gummie's brains want to protect you Paige.~ Gardenia smiled, standing tall once more.

Gothitelle didn't get up from Gummie's attack.

That means, since Gummie's first attack missed, it only took one attack from a second stage Pokemon to knock out a fully evolved Pokemon.

Gummie flew to my side and nuzzle my chest. ~Did I do good?~ She smiled, pride written all over her face.

:You did great: I nodded and hugged her. :you did your absolute best and that's all I could ever ask for:

It really was. All my Pokemon wanted was to prove, to me, to Nicole, to everyone that it was a mistake to mess with me because by doing so you were messing with them. They were determined to show their strength, their power and that they believed in me as a trainer and not the weak runt that everyone in Team Plasma (besides N of course) had made me to be.

"How in the world does one little runt get past not one, not two but three of my Pokemon!? It's impossible! I'm the strongest elite in Team Plasma and I will not be over come by one weak, bratty, pathetic little runt!" Nicole screamed, throwing out her next Pokemon.

I remembered it as Stoutland and without me even needing to ask Angel took her place on the battle field. I could tell she was waiting for this specific match to battle in, remembering the time she failed at protecting me from Nicole weeks ago and I could tell she wasn't going to let it happen again.

:Are you ready Angel?: I asked.

Angel nodded, determination flaring in her eyes.

:Okay, get in close with Quick Attack then Bite:

Angel nodded and zigzagged her way in close. Angel's move set was Shadow Ball, Quick Attack, Bite and Charm. Shadow Ball wouldn't affect Stoutland, being a Normal type and Charm was a status move so I was down to two attacking moves, I'd have to make them count.

Angel but down in Stoutland's shoulder and didn't let go, slowly but surely, taking down Stoutland's health with each second longer the attack lasted.

"Stoutland, throw off that rat and use Take Down." Nicole growled.

Stoutland whipped himself to the side, shaking Angel from his side. A little trickle of blood ran down from the bite mark but no other evidence remained. Angel hit the wall and fell to the floor, struggling to get to her feet.

Stoutland let out a howl and charged in on Angel, leaving a train of orange light as he went. He slammed into her before I could call out a command. Flinching slightly from recoil, Stoutland walked away leaving Angel in a small hole made from the impact.

:ANGEL!!!: I screamed, running to her but before I got the hole erupted with light and for the second time that day, one of my Pokemon began to evolve.


Dun dun duuuuun!!! Angel's evolving how exiting *jumps up and down* last chance to put in your opinion~! I still may change it so hurry~!

Anyway I have crap to do. *looks at large pile of homework and sighs* bye.

*starts sorting though homework*
Assignment... important.
I'll wing it on Monday
Have to do
Study notes
*throws away half of homework and starts doing other half*


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