22~ a promise is a promise

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~Paige's pov

I don't know how long I sat huddled in the corner of the van but it must of been hours. They'd taken all my Pokemon before shoving me in here so I was completely alone in the dark.

Did I mention I was afraid of the dark?
No? Well I am. So the trip was really really scary for me.

First, I'm going back to the place that I'd been taken to after I was kidnapped and where I was for seven years. Second, Ghetsis had threatened me on multiple occasions that he'd make me regret it if I even dared try to escape. Third, I didn't even have my Pokemon with me. Forth, it was dark.

I sighed and leaned my head against the back wall. It was all my fault. If I'd just listened to Samurai and calmed down a little then I wouldn't of been alone when passing the ally, I wouldn't of been alone when I was attacked, I wouldn't be alone now.

Stupid sugar rush.

I shifted my position so that my legs were tucked underneath me so I could try and wriggle out of the ropes holding my hands behind my back. I pulled and tugged and twisted until my wrists were to sore to move. Plus my arm was still sore from when I was pinned against the wall and from when I'd fallen.

I rested me head against the wall again. What would happen once Ghetsis had me back? Would they hurt me? Possibly kill me?

I knew Ghetsis was cruel and he would keep his promise about making me regret it if I ran away.

Maybe it would of been better if I had just stayed. Sure, things were bad but... oh who am I kidding... I hated every day I spent in that hell hole. All I ever wanted was out and I took the first chance I got which resulted in two weeks of freedom.

The best two weeks I've ever had.

Meeting Jake and Milly, seeing Kay again, hatching Miku, Catching Gummie and Nyuu, training with Jake and my Pokemon.

I can't even remember the last time if had that much fun. I had more fun in two week then in the past seven years...

And now it was over, for good most likely.

Ghetsis would most likely make sure I'd never ever get out again. I'd never see the sky or grass or flowers or feel the fresh autumn breeze through my hair. I may never even see my Pokemon, my friends, ever again.

I didn't know I was crying until a tear drop landed on my knee but I was unable to wipe it away due to my hands being tied behind my back.

What had I ever done to deserve this? Why was this happening to me? All I'd ever wanted was a family, someone to love me and for seven years all I had was Samurai, Gardenia and N, recently Jake, Milly and Makayla to. Now I may never see any of them again. Maybe N from time to time but... I wanted more.

The van bumped over something, throwing me against the back wall, my sore arm crashed against the wall making me groan in pain. This was defiantly gonna bruise.

I steadied myself as best I could with my arms stuck behind my back but it wasn't easy.

Would Jake, Milly and Kay even look for me? It seemed that I only ever caused them trouble.

But Jake had promised.

Arg, all I was doing was confusing myself and making this whole trip worse then it already was. They'd come for me. I know it.

Hours later the van finally stopped and I knew we were finally back. I pushed myself further into the corner, whispering in fear. I heard the front doors opened and slammed shut. I heard two voices of two people outside walking next to the van but were to quiet for me to hear properly.

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