28~ stronger at heart

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~N's pov

I paced back and forth outside Paige's room. Hours had passed and I still didn't know if Paige was alright. I'd changed shirts since the other one had been stained and also collected Paige's Pokemon from the holding room. They had a right to be with Paige right now and Paige needed them to be with her, so they were patiently waiting in their Pokéballs in my pocket.

I on the other hand couldn't stop worrying or stand still. Paige was like family to me. She was so young and innocent. She didn't didn't deserve to be the one who had to go through this and I felt partly responsible that she was. I mean she could die...

I shook my head. No, Paige was stronger than even she knew. She'd just been told who or what she is, she didn't have a chance to think for herself. But she had a strong spirt. That's one of the things I admire about her, she's never allowed Team Plasma or Ghetsis to brake her spirt and although she couldn't fight to well physically she would put everything she had into something she truly believed in.

The door to Paige's room opened slowly, creaking slightly like a branch not far from snapping from its tree. Anthea silently walked out. She looked at me and smiled a little reassuring smile. "She's going to be alright, though she's extremely weak and she needs a lot of rest."

"Can I see her?" I asked, still worried for Paige.

Anthea nodded. "She's sleeping right now, but it would be best for someone to keep an eye on her. Those cuts on her arm and back are still bleeding. Thankfully no where near as badly but still quite a bit. For cuts that deep and big she really needs to have stitches but we'd need to take her to a hospital for that..." Anthea trailed off knowing how unlikely it would for that to happen.

I nodded and slowly walked into Paige's room. Paige was lying under her blankets on her left side, a thick bandage covered her right arm and most probably her back as well but was covered by her blanket. Concordia was sitting by Paige's bed on a chair made from Oren berry tree wood.

"How is she?" I asked quietly, watching Paige's unconscious figure.

"She should be alright. But she needs rest." Concordia answered.

It was silent for a few seconds. Nether of really knew what to say. Paige could still die if those cuts didn't stop bleeding. But she wouldn't, right?

"You can go Concordia, I'll keep an eye on her." I said, wanting some time alone with Paige.

Concordia nodded and stood up. "If anything changes just call Anthea or I and we'll come."

I nodded as Concordia left. I sat down in the chair that Concordia was previously sitting in and silently let out Paige's Pokemon who all ran to Paige's side.

Miku jumped up on the bed and sat on the pillow next to Paige, fiddling with her antenna things with tears in her eyes. Nyuu sat at the foot of the bed with her head bowed. She waddled up to Paige's side and nuzzled her good arm before curling up next to her. Gummie floated next to me, not really sure where she'd fit in but eventually settled down next to Nyuu. Samurai stood slightly behind my chair watching Paige closely while looking like he was gonna cry. I could tell he was trying to be brave for Paige's other, younger Pokemon. Gardenia was on her knees next to Paige's bed gently humming to her, she was gently stroking Paige's right shoulder, being careful not to touch where she'd been cut. Finally Angel was curled up on a pillow next to Paige where she had previously been. She looked as if she felt out of place with Paige's other Pokemon and was watching from a slight distance.

I'd already explained to Paige's Pokemon about Angel and all that I knew had happened. All of them seemed to like the idea of me giving Angel to Paige and agreed that it would have been good for her.

~How long until we can get her out?~ Samurai said almost without emotion, not taking his eyes off Paige.

I shook my head. "I was meant to sneak her out two days from now but I don't think that's going to happen. But as soon as Paige is strong enough, I'm going to get her out of here." I said determinedly.

Samurai nodded. ~How long can we stay with her?~ He sounded worried and I knew he didn't want to leave Paige's side.

"As long as it takes for Paige to get better. Paige needs you guys with her right now. To help take care of her and to protect her, I don't want her to get hurt again." I replied.

Samurai nodded again and smiled a little. ~Thank you. I may not completely trust you for now, but I know that you'll always put Paige first.~

"Why don't you trust me?" I was still not quite sure. Even since he found out, or even suspected, that I was the leader of Team Plasma he stopped trusting me.

~You're the leader of the organisation that kidnapped Paige and had her locked up.~ He said simply.

"I didn't have anything to do with that." I defended. Like I would do anything to hurt Paige.

Samurai shrugged. ~I trust you as a friend of Paige, not as the leader of Team Plasma.~

I nodded, if I was in Samurai's place I'd probably think the same. Paige always put her Pokemon first and they do the same to her. So it was understandable why Samurai trusted me as Paige's friend rather then enemy, if that makes any sense.

Miku, Nyuu, Gummie and Angel were all soundly asleep, curled up snugly with Paige while Gardenia still knelt by Paige's side. She was quietly humming a tune that I recognised as the song she'd hum when Paige had a bad dream or to help her sleep.

I looked over at the clock that hung on the wall, 3:00 in the morning. Wow... it was late. I was feeling tired but I needed to watch Paige.

Samurai caught me looking at the clock and placed a hand on my shoulder. ~You should rest, we'll take care of Paige for the night.~

I looked over at Paige who was sleeping peacefully and nodded reluctantly. I knew Paige would be in safe hands/paws/knobby leggy things or whatever.

I stood up and turned to Samurai. "Take care of her, whatever you need to do."

Samurai smirked. ~As if I would do anything else.~

I nodded and left Paige's room, returning to my own to get some sleep.


Heyo my Ginger bread peeps! What do ya think? I don't really like the chapter personally but yeah, it need to be here... Sorry that updates are slow. I've been busy with AS and I'm playing a little differently then normal. Unlike how I normally have a set team I have a couple of different Pokemon that I switch around.

So far I have;

Female Scepitle- Pooky

Female Sandslash- Sandy

Female Miyteana- Grey

Male Ralts- Sensei

Female Dustox- Dusty

Female Beautifly- Winx

Male Breloom- Mish

Female Cosplay Pikachu- Sparkler

Shiny Matang- *no nickname*

Latias- Liberty

Female- Sharpeedo- Dashy

Kyogre- Tidal wave

Female Linoone- Bandit (HM slave)

Female Vulpix- Night (I just had to name her that XD)

Yeah it's been going pretty good with those Pokemon.

Well i need to go cause the next gym leader's waiting for me. *hops back onto 3DS*

Oh wait while I'm think about it, 'Why us?' will not be posted until early next year. *sad face* I've already made a cover for it and it looks amazing!!!

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