5~ payback is sweet

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>Paige's pov<

I ran though the bustling streets of Virbank City, twirling madly trying to get a glimpse of everything before running off again.

Years had passed since I'd last experienced city life, and having once lived in a city myself, it felt like a natural place for me to be in-- yet still strange.

"Paige get back here before we loose!" Jake yelled and chased after me.

I gave him a pouty face with my best Lilliepup eyes that always worked on my 'big brother'.

(A/N don't ask me to explain cause I'm not going to... yet.)

Jake sighed, looking at my pouty face and gave me a 'I'm-never-going-to-win-with-you-am-I?' look I smiled and nodded before skipping off once again.

~Paige, don't wonder to far now. Okay?~ Gardenia called from next to Milly.

:I just want to get a good look around: I replied, running up to a sign advertising some product for Pokemon to use.

I leant over a railing to look down at the boats waiting at the docks, bobbing like toys in a bathtub waiting to set sail in the vast sea. Looking at the boats made me think of the whole world and all the different Pokemon there was. I wanted to see them all. How much fun it would be to discover all the different species and everything. I've always wanted to travel the world and I guess now I finally have that chance. I looked down at the water, thinking of all the endless lists of Pokemon I could find, in Unova and all over the world. I spotted a few Pokemon here and there in the docks. Little green and black fishie Pokemon. Some had blue stripes while others had red. They had very sharp pointy teeth and occasionally lashed out as each other, chomping on each others tough scales.

I also noticed blue and pink Pokemon that had flowey find that looked kinda like dressed. A pink one popped it's head above water and smiled up at me. ~Frill- frillish.~ It giggled, waving at me and I waved back happily. It then went back under water and disappeared from my sight.

I went back to racing down the streets, stopping now and then to inspect all the colourful objects being sold by assorted sals people. Some were selling berries while others sold colourful disks, some sold food while others sold drinks. I loved every moment of it, even though I didn't have any money, it was fun to just take in all the new sights and smells of the worlds around me.

I decided to wait on the pathway for the other to catch up when I suddenly had a lightbulb moment.

I smirked at my new idea and hid behind a building that the other would be sure to pass and waited there for them to pass. It didn't take long for me to spot my two blue Pokemon and new friends.

I stayed quiet until Samurai passed before I jumped onto his back and held on tightly.


~Paige get off.~ He said not sounding as amused as I was.

:No: I giggled.

~Paige!~ He said sternly.

Milly, Jake and Gardenia laughed as Samurai tried to get me off his back in a way that wouldn't harm me in any way, shape or form. Which ended failing majorly. I clung to his back, squealing in joy.

Eventually Samurai gave in and let me have a Tepiggy back ride. I giggled at my victory.

:Told you I'd get you back: I smiled.

~Sometimes I really don't like you Paige.~ Samurai said irritated. I knew he didn't mean it, he never meant that, he said I was to loveable for that.

:Aww you're mean: I fake pouted anyway.

~And you're heavy.~

:No I'm not: I whined but smiling all the same.

Samurai just sighed. ~Paige, what did we talk about acting your age?~

:I can't help it: I giggled.

Samurai rolled his eyes. ~I'm seriously unamused with you right now.~

~Samurai don't be so mean to Paige.~ Gardenia scolded with a smile.

~Is everyone working against me?~ Samurai whined.

:Yup: I giggled.

Samurai sighed and continued to follow Jake with me clinging to his back.

:Where are we going?:

~How should I know? I'm following Jake.~

"Where going to the gym Paige... If I can find it." Jake said as if reading my mind.

How do people do that?

Wait... I do that... But I do it with psychic type Pokemon... I'm not a psychic type Pokemon... Or am I?

Just kidding, I'm not a Pokemon, I'm a person like everyone else.... Besides robots...

Wait... What's a gym?

"Gym?" I wrote on my little black board.

"A gym is where you go to battle a gym leader to earn a badge. If you get 8 badges, you get to fight in the Elite four if you beat the Elite four you get to become the Champion if you beat the Champion you become the new Champion."

I gave Jake the most confused look possible and he rolled his eyes. "Basically a Pokemon battle."

Oh... right...

He could of just said that in the first place.


Sorry this chapter is once again short I'm kicking myself.

But I've decided to take a short break from writing to get all my thoughts and ideas together. Please don't hate me, it's just for a few days. Promise.

Bye-bye now


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