3~ first battle

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>Paige's Pov<

I skipped down the path, once again in my normal, joyful nature. Every once and a while I stopped and let the others catch up before I started to skip down the path again.

"Hey Paige! What up a moment!" Jake called out.

I stopped and waited for my friends smiling happily while watching the clouds.

When the others finally caught up Jake started to speak. "When we get to Virbank City are you going to challenge the gym battle?" He asked.

I cocked my head in confusion. What? Samurai translated my thoughts into words for me.

"A battle. You know, one person battles the other person with there Pokemon. The one who's Pokemon is still standing after is the winner." Jake explained

Doesn't that hurt the Pokemon? I asked confused.

"Umm... yeah but after you take them to a Pokemon centre and you can get there health restored good as new."

I shook my head. I don't want Samurai and Gardenia getting hurt.

"But Paige some Pokemon like it. Why don't you ask Samurai and Gardenia if they want to battle?" He tried to convince me.

:so what do you guys think?: I asked them, hoping they wouldn't want to.

~I'm not really into battles, I'm the sort of Pokemon that most trainers would have to heal there own Pokemon or take care of them~ Gardenia said

~I'd like to do battles.~ Samurai smiled. ~Who knows I may get stronger.~

:if your sure...:

I looked at Jake and pointed to Samurai and nodded then at Gardenia and shook my head, signalling that Samurai will battle and Gardenia won't.

"How about a battle then? Me and one of my partners verses you and Samurai?" Jake asked happily.

I thought about this. Who knows? It could be fun and I liked fun.

My smiled broadened and Jake laughed. "Come on, I'll go easy on you"

I nodded and Jake and I took opposite ends of a makeshift battle field. Milly walked next to me. "I'll give you advice." She offered making my smile again.

Jake let out Torch. "I'll let you have the first move."

Milly nodded to her brother. "So what moves dose Samurai know?" She asked me.


:Samurai, what moves do you know?:

~Umm... I think Leaf Blade, Karate Chop, Teleport and Confusion.~ Samurai said.

I took out my little black board and wrote out the moves to the best of my ability. But by the look on Milly's face, I failed epically.

"So Leaf blade, Close combat, Teleport and Confusion yeah?" She asked making sure.

I nodded.

Milly continued to explain all about battle and how to do it and blah blah blah.

Long story short I ended up stearing at a flock of grey bird Pokemon called Pidove.

They're really quite interesting.

"Paige are you listening?" Milly asked impatiently and annoyed.

I nodded awkwardly and gave a sheepish smile then shook my head.

Milly just face palmed. "Basically just call an attack."

I another sheepish smile. :Samurai, were you listening?:

~Yes. Don't worry I know what to do, just tell me to use an attack and I'll do it.~

:umm... Confusion?:

Samurai's eyes glowed pink and Torch flinched and fell to one knee.

Ok, what just happened?

"Torch use Sky Uppercut!" Jake ordered.

Torch's fist was surrounded by a light-blue and he smashed it into Samurai, knocking him back.

I ran to Samurai's side. :are you ok Samurai?:

Samurai nodded and tried to stand. I held him down. :No you're hurt:

Jake walked to my side. "Sorry if I over did it."

Milly gave me a small orange bottle. "Here you can use this to heal his wounds."

I gave her a thankful look and sprayed the potion on Samurai's chest. :how's that?:

Samurai smiled. ~Better thank you Paige.~

I gave him a hug. :good, lets finish for now:

~If that is what you want~

"Hey Paige. Lets finish this battle tomorrow. That sound ok?"

I nodded and Samurai stood up and helped me up.

"That was pathetic." We all turned our heads in the direction of the trainer from before. She shook her head. "That has to be the weakest Gallade I have ever seen."

I frowned and slipped my hand into Samurai's and Gardenia walked next to us. They both glared at the girl.

"Take that back!" Jake yelled furious at the trainer.

"Why should I? It's true."

"How about you battle me then?" Jake said angrily.

"Are you as weak as your little friend here?"

"Paige is not weak! That was her first battle."

I flinched at all the yelling and shuffled closer to Samurai who put one of his hands on my back.

~Blaz E Kan!~ Torch yelled.

~Gal Gal Ade Gal-Ade!~ Samurai yelled as well.

~Gard-E-Voir!~ Gardenia followed.

What are the saying?

I'll ask Samurai later.

After a long argument the new trainer agreed to battle Jake. They started to battle and Milly, Samurai, Gardenia and I were sitting on the grass I wasn't paying any attention to the battle. More like staering at a little bug Pokemon with a leaf hoodie that was climbing a tree.

Eventually the little bug Pokemon disappeared into the branches and I started looking for some other method of entertainment.

Eventually I pulled out a small, round, white stone from my pocket and rolled it around in the palm of my hand.

I had found the stone at the place (or whatever you want to call it) a few years ago. I thought it was interesting and took. The people got quite angry when they found it missing but thankfully didn't suspect that I had taken the white stone (hint hint) and I have had it ever since.


Yay I updated \(^_^)/ worth it took so long my iPod has been having issues and kept on deleting this chapter so I decided to wait till the holidays to write it some more and today is the second day of holidays so I was like "ok let's write the entire chapter!" and I did yay \(^_^)/

So what do people think the white stone Paige has is? I gave ya a clue about where Paige was for 7 years. Who can guess?

Well Bye-bye now


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