10~ my place in the world.

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>Paige's pov<

I huffed in annoyance when Jake left the room leaving me alone again. I'be never really liked the feeling of being alone, especially without Samurai or Gardenia with me. Their company was something I'd always felt and when I didn't, I could get a little nervous. I reached over and picked up my blue egg in its case. I stroked the surface and stared at the captivating egg. When will it hatch? What will it be? The possibilities were almost endless.

My knowledge of Pokemon was only limited to a few. The handful I knew before I was taken and the ones I'd learned from N. With my limited knowledge I could only guess out of those I knew, like Pidove and Sewaddle and the Pokemon that Milly and Jake had.

Jake said it would be a water type since I found it in the ocean and it needed to be kept wet. Maybe an Oshawat? Like the starters of Unova or a Crawdaunght like the one in Jake's team.

I examined the egg again. It's perfectly smooth surface, the red orby thingy in the middle and the ring of glowing dots.

It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. But then again I had been locked up for about seven years and rarely saw anything of interest to me. I found everything and anything beautiful which is what everything is, in its own way.

I fell back onto my pillow being carful not to drop my egg. I sat it back down in my bed stand and watched it float around a little.

:SAMURAI!!!!! I'M BOOOOOOOORED!!!!: I called hoping he would hear.

~Then go to sleep. You should be resting anyway.~


~Do you need to shout? I'm literally right above you on the deck.~

:Then get your butt down here and play with me!:

~Paige don't be rude.~

:Then don't change the subject:

~*sighs* I'm coming. But all I'm doing is dropping of Nyuu then coming back up here.~


Samurai teleported into the room moments later, with Nyuu sitting on his head.

Nyuu jumped off Samurai's head and into my arms.

~Sew sew addle sewaddle.~ The small bug type exclaimed.

~The boat docks in an hour. The doctor said you could get up then.~ Samurai said before teleporting. ~Until then, get some rest.~

:Party pooper:

With that it went silent since Nyuu had fallen asleep asleep in my arms while Samurai and I 'talked'.

:Some entertainment you are: I pouted but I couldn't help but smile at my little Pokemon. She had a totally different personality to Gardenia and Samurai.

She was quite vain and proud. But her small size made her adorable when she acted that way.

I looked at my egg again. :I don't suppose you know anything fun to do?:

~Fun? To do?~



:Who said that?:

~Said that?~

:Stop copying me:

After that there was no reply and I kept my eyes on my egg as it started to flash again. What did this mean? Was my egg communicating with me? Was it a like psychic/water type? How many of those could there be?

I sighed and looked at Nyuu who was still sleeping, snoring quietly like last night.

~Sew... addle... sew... addle...~ Was the only noise apart from the voices above and the gentle lapping if the waves.

Eventually I drifted into sleep only to be woken almost instantly be Gardenia.

~Paige it's time to go.~

I huffed. :First you tell me to sleep now you tell me to wake up. Make up your mind:


A person pink hair walked in. "How are you feeling... Paige was it?" She asked. So I'm not the only pink haired person in the world.... Cool.

I nodded and shrugged. My head still hurt a little but other than that I felt normal.

"My name is Nurse Joy." She said removing the needle thingy from my wrist and pulling back my blankets. "Now get up slowly just to be safe."

I nodded and swung my legs over the edge and stood up strait away, regretting my decision instantly when my head begun to spin.

I steadied myself on Gardenia and Nurse Joy shook her head, looking at Jake as he entered the room. "Does she normally ignore instructions?"

"Yeah pretty much."

I stuck my tung out at him as I released Gardenia, regaining my balance.

Jake and Milly walked in and Nurse Joy shook her head. "Does she listen to you?" She asked and Jake shook his head.

"Nope. Good luck with her." He snorted.

I stubbornly took a few steps forward, wobbly at first but quickly straitened up.

I grabbed Milly's hand and dragged her to the deck above, anxious to get a breath of fresh air. Even though its only been just over a day compared to my other seven years. It was something I'd never be able to get enough of. But then, I'd never be able to get enough of anything out here in the real world. The beauty of everything out would never cease to amaze me but then, everything had its own unique place in world. Everything fit.

I couldn't help but wonder where I would fit. If I fit. I'd spent so long cut off from the world that I had doubts a place had been made for me. What does a person do if they don't have a place in the world? I guess I'll find out, eventually.

I peered over the railing and the huge city before me. It was so big! Countless people roamed the streets, going about with their own business. They reminded me of Durant, a Pokemon that lived in huge colonies underground. They were very busy Pokemon and thousands could live together, but each one has a place to be, a job to do for the good of the colony. I wonder if it was the same in the city. If the jobs here are just as important as in a colony of Durant. 

Surely in a place this big, there would be room for the place of one more person.

There would be a place for me.



What do you think????????????????

SMG signing off!!!! byyyyyyeeeee!!!!!!

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