9~ Sights never cease to amaze

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>Paige's pov<

My eyes fluttered open as I looked at a dull white ceiling. I looked around, sleep gently confused by my surroundings. I was in a bed... But it wasn't the one from my room that I was staying in with Jake and Milly. The bed had crisp, snow white covers and a pine wooden frame. I turned my head to see Gardenia asleep in a lounge chair next to me and Samurai on the floor with his legs crossed and head down. Nyuu was curled up next to my pillow.

~Sew... addle.... Sew... addle... Sew... addle...~ She mumbled quietly in her sleep over and over, I guess in Pokemon's equivalent to snoring.

I looked in the other direction to see Jake and Milly sleeping together on a small couch in the corner of the room.

What happened while I was out? How long was I out?

I looked out the window, next to where Jake and Milly were sleeping, at the black abyss of night. The twinkling of the stars shone brightly and looked like someone had taken a handful of glitter and thrown it at the sky. The tiny slither of the silvery moon winked at me through the blackness of night.

It was beautiful and I know I've said this before but it was breathtaking. I couldn't help but smile at the sights I haven't seen in years but would never cease to amaze me.

My head started to hurt and I raised my hand to touch my forehead but stopped when I saw a weird needle thingy stuck into my wrist.

I looked at it and poked it, wincing as a small pick of pain emerged.

Okay Paige, not your smartest of ideas as of yet.

I noticed a small thin cord coming out of the back of the needle and follow it with my eyes. It was connected to a bag full of clear liquid.

What was that for?

I sighed in annoyance and boredom. Letting my boredom get the best of me, I poked Gardenia on the arm.

~Gardi?~ She mumbled as she woke up, looking around slightly confused.


~Oh Paige you're awake.~ She smiled, still looking slightly confused. ~How do you feel?~

:My head hurts...: I mumbled slightly.

~Yeah... the doctor said you hit it pretty hard after you fell off the boat.~

:What happened?: I asked, taking my turn to be confused.

~Well, you know how we never knew where we were for seven years? Well it turns out that the people there were members if an organisation called Team Plasma who want to liberate Pokemon.~

:Really? ... what's liberate?:n

~Liberation is like setting free or separating Paige.~ Samurai butted in, standing up and walking over next to Gardenia.

:Wait... they want to separate people from Pokemon? I don't want you guys to leave: I replied, feeling frightened of being alone without my Pokemon.

~It's alright Paige. We would never leave you. Free or not you're like our sister and we love you.~ Gardenia smiled. ~Now you should rest. You took a really hard hit to you're head.~

:Awwww: I pouted but nodded anyway.

Gardenia gently stroked my hair while I fell back asleep, Samurai staying by her side until I was deeply asleep once again.


My eyes flickered open once again but this time I was met with bright sun light. I quickly closed my eyes again, groaning silently to myself. I waited a few second before opening them again, this time my eyes were used to the light.

I looked around for my friends and Pokemon but couldn't see anyone but me in the room, well and my egg which was in a new egg holder full of sea water.

I tried to sit up but my head started hurting again and my wrist with the needle-thingy also hurt a little.

I sighed in annoyance and tried to call my two Pokemon.

:Gardenia! Samurai! I'm boooooooorrrrrrred!: I waited a while but no one came.

I looked over at my egg.

:Just me and you I guess: I thought to myself.

~Me and... You?~ A voice in my head said. The voice was soft and at a slightly higher type of pitch, kind of like a child's.

I looked around in surprise but only saw my egg. It was flashing a really light blue then returning to its normal colour. Was some thing wrong with it?

After continuing a few times it stopped. Was happened? What did it mean? Who's voice was that? Was it a psychic type Pokemon that could use telapethialley? Or whatever Samurai called it... I really need to start paying more attention to the things he says.

:Was that you?: I asked the egg, not really expecting an answer.

There was no answer, no sound other than the voices of the people in the deck above and lapping of the water outside like a rocking toy it gently rocked the boat in a nursing sort of way.

Where was everyone? They were here last night.

The door handle turned as if answering my question and Jake peered in, smiling when he saw me awake.

"Finally up are you?" He smiled at me and took my side, not waiting for an answer since he knew he would get none. "How are you feeling?" He asked

I shrugged and looked for my little chalk board so I could ask where my Pokemon were.

Jake, as if reading my mind, handed it to me as well as a piece of bright pink chalk.

Where's Samurai, Gardenia, Nyuu?

Jake took a moment to read before answering. "Above deck with Milly. We're coming close to Castelia city." He smiled his cocky like smile. "Do you think you could sit up?" he asked.

I nodded and sat my board down next to my pillow while Jake slipped his hand around my back, helping me sit up straight.

I picked up my board again and wrote down my next question.

What happened?

"Well I don't know that much, but I saw you go over and sent King to bring you back since I was preoccupied in a battle and when we'd finally chased off Team Plasma, the people who had tried to take over the boat, I noticed you and King weren't back yet so I asked around and no one had seen you. By this point it was raining hard and I really started to worry but then a black speed-boat pulled up next to us and a green haired man came out carrying you unconscious in his arms and King walking almost humbly by his side. He handed you over me and told me to take care of you before taking off in his boat again. But that was two days ago since the boat didn't start moving till today after the attack."

Did he tell you his name? I wrote half hoping, half fearing of who it was.

"What did he say it was again?" He mumbled to himself. "Ah I remember, he said it was N."

N? the person I had always seen as my older brother? What was he doing here, and if he saw me, why didn't he take me back?



So my two different books have two different perspectives of N... cause I just LOVE to over complicate this. XD

Sorry I thought it would be to much if I made N evil in this book and 'Why you?'

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Bye -bye now


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