31~ finding you

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~Jake's pov

"Does anyone know where exactly we're meant to find Paige?" I sighed looking up to see the gradually setting sun, although we had made it out of Twist Mountain faster then we expected it had still taken a few days longer then we'd anticipated.

"Nope." Kay said shaking her head.

"No." Milly sighed.

~Lilliepup.~ Scout said raising his nose in the air. ~Lillie pup pup pup!~ He squealed and tugged at the edge of Milly's shorts.

"What is it Scout?" Milly frowned, bending down to his level.

~Lillie lillie pup!~ Scout yapped running forward a little and stomping his paw.

"I think he wants us to follow him..." Kay pointed out.

~Lilliepup!~ Scout nodded his head.

"Let's go then, unless anyone has any other ideas." Milly said following her puppy Pokemon.

I don't why exactly we were following Scout but we did. No one has any other ideas so it was our only real option.

~Lilliepup!~ Scout bark running off the path and into the surrounding trees.

Milly followed without hesitation with Kay soon after. I didn't really have a choice but to go after them.

"Jake watch out!" Milly yelled.

I looked up just in time to see a Shadow ball heading towards me and jump out of the way just before it hit me.

"Jake! Are you alright?" Milly asked rushing to my side.

I nodded. "Where did that come from?"

~Sol solosis!~

~Wait... that was Jake?~


~Samri baka Samri baka!~


~All of you be quiet Paige is trying to sleep!~

"Hey guys this way!" Kay yelled exitedly, waving Milly and I over to her.

I stood up and dusted myself off before running to her.

I almost jumped for joy when we walked in and saw all of Paige's Pokemon plus an Eevee. Paige was there to, thank Arceus. She was lying in Gardenia's arms fast asleep.

Samurai was leaning against a tree with his hands behind his head. ~Took you three long enough.~ He said raising his eyebrow with a smirk. ~Sorry about the Shadow Ball... We've been a little... On edge...~ Samurai apologised, glancing at Paige.

"It's alright. No harm done." I replied, not blaming Paige's Pokémon for wanting to protect her.

~Jakey! Illy! KAY KAY!~ Miku squeak hugging Makayla's leg.

~Miku quiet, Paige is sleeping and it took me forever to get her asleep in the first place, so don't wake her up.~ Gardenia scolded.

~Okie!~ Miku squealed. ~I mean okie.~ She whispered.

Samurai shook his head while following his eyes.

It was then I noticed a thick bandage covering Paige's right arm another covering her back that was mostly hidden by her shirt.

Samurai noticed me staring at the bandages. ~Ghetsis and Nicole's work.~ He said bitterly as if their names were poisonous, scrunching his face in disgust.

"How long have you guys been here?" Milly asked.

~A few days.~ Samurai shrugged. ~Ghetsis left the Plasma castle and Nicole went with him, N chose then to sneak Paige out but not before he could stop them from hurting her like that. She hasn't been sleep well since we arrived here.~ He sighed and looked over at Paige who was clinging to Gardenia like at any moment she'd be ripped away.

"Sorry we took to long. Milly decided to give Kay the map in Twist mountain." I rolled my eyes when I thought on Kay's terrible map reading skills. "Should we stay here for now or do you want to move?" I asked Samurai knowing he'd choose what he thought was best for Paige.

~I think we should stay, just until Paige wakes up. I'd feel bad if I woke her up after it took so long to get her to sleep.~

I nodded. "Whatever you want to do."

I looked over at Paige. She looked so fragile, like at any moment she would shatter. Even asleep she looked scared about what would happen. She kept twitching slightly as if whatever was happening in her head had made her anxious and she kept tightening her grip on Gardenia before relaxing slightly before tensing up again.

I walked over and sat next to Gardenia, being carful not to disturb Paige. It was clear that both Gardenia and Samurai were tired, most likely after taking care of Paige.

Samurai sat next to me and watched Paige. ~She missed you guys a lot.~


~Paige missed you. She was scared though, that you wouldn't be looking for her.~


Samurai nodded. ~It's going to take some time for her to get over this... if she ever does. I've never seen her this mentally unstable. Hopefully she does get over this. She just to cautious now... and jumpy. I thought I wanted her to think more safer but now...~ Samurai shook his head.  ~I just hope this eventually blows over, is forgotten, get Paige back to how she is.~

Paige shifted slightly and sniffed before her flicking her eyes open. For a moment she looked scared, like she was afraid that she'd be somewhere other than here. Her grip on Gardenia tighten as the psychic type Pokémon gently rested her hand on the pinkettes head, whispering calming things. Paige's eyes landed on me and she sighed a little, relaxing her grip on Gardenia.

I shuffled a little closer. "Hey." I said quietly.

Paige smiled a little and let go of Gardenia. She shuffle over to me and hugged me tightly.

I smiled and gently rubbed her back, trying to be carefully of her injury. "You're safe now." I whispered to her. "I promise."


Yay they're all back together again!!!!! \(^u^)/

Hap-hap-happy.... TT0TT unlike me. I'm misunderstood and depressed. *sighs* my parents don't get it. They were saying stuff about what happened between me and Laura. They don't f*cken understand ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED BETWEEN ME AND LAURA!!!!! NO ONE DOES!!!! So sorry if this chapter crap.

Now I'm I'm trouble cause I blew up in front on my parents. Thankfully I'm going to my dads tomorrow until the seventh of January and after that I'm going to Foster on a camping trip with my family.

So if I'm not able to talk to you until then. MERRY CHRISTMASS! 🎁🎄

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