21~ recapture

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~Samurai's Pov

:Come on come on come on!!!!!: Paige squealed more excitedly than usual as she ran down the street with Miku clinging to her leg, squealing with joy.

~Okay, who gave Paige an energy drink?~ I face palmed thinking if the only reasonable explanation to Paige's hyperness.

"Uhh... Guilty." Kay sweat dropped raising her hand.

~Kay Kay gwive Paige wed Tauros dwink!!!~ Miku squealed.

:I CAN FLY!!!: Paige squealed again flapping her arms like a Pidove.

~You guys are so lucky Paige is mute.~ I sighed shaking my head since no one but Gardenia, Miku, Gummie and I could hear her squealing.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with you there." Jake replied with a small smirk.

:LOOK LOOK LOOK!!!!!!!!!!: Paige squealed again pointing at an ice-cream shop. :PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! I WANNA MAKE AN ICE-CREAM SNOWMAN!!!!!!!! PLEEEEEAAAASE!!!!!!!!:

Gardenia sighed. ~How long till this wears off?~

~How should I know? I've certainly never given Paige a Red Tauros before.~ I said throwing my arms up.

Gummie giggled. ~You people are funny.~

~Pig pig nite!~ Mr. Sumo Piggy snorted.

~SEEEEEEEW--ADDLE!~ Nyuu squeaked from Gardena's head.

"Like trainer, like Pokemon." Milly smiled, shaking her head.


~Oh Keldeo.~ I sighed. ~Once again, you guys are so lucky Paige is mute.~

:You people are no fun: Paige pouted.

~Last time I checked I was a Pokemon. A Gallade to be exact.~ I smirked.

:Party pooper: Paige stuck her tung out at me before skipping off again.

Paige did a cart wheel... well attempted to but she landed on her butt because she forgot Miku was clinging to her leg.

~Yay! fun fun FUN!!!~ Miku squealed joyously.

Paige smiled and gave her a pat on the head. While we caught up to her a little.

Paige didn't waste much time before she jumped to her feet and ran off again while the we just sighed.

:RED TAUROS IS THE MOST AMAZING DRINK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!: Paige squealed.

~This is gonna be a long, long day.~ I said shaking my head and rolled my eyes.

~Ditto on that one.~ Gardenia sighed.

~She's crazy.~ Gummie giggled. ~I like it.~

Jake chuckled. "She's your trainer."

~And what's that suppose to mean?~ I said annoyed.

:DON'T BLAM IT ON SUNSHINE!!! DON'T BLAM IT ON MOONLIGHT!!! DON'T BLAM IT ON GOOD TIMES!!! BLAME IT ON THE BOOGY!!!: Paige squealed dancing around like a mad person.

"Paige can you at least try to act normal?" Milly asked shaking her head.

:Nope: Paige replied shaking her head.

~Kay, if she gets into trouble I'm blaming it on you and energy drinks.~ I said narrowing my eyes at the red head trainer.

"Hehe... guess I'll deserve it..." Makayla sweat dropped.

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