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>Paige's pov<

:Come on Miku!: I chirped, skipping down the street in my merry fashion.

~Miku come! Miku come!~ She giggled following close behind me, her hands thrown above her head as she waddled behind me.

~Don't go to far Paige, and don't let Miku wonder off.~ Samurai called.

:Kk worry wart: I called back, smirking to myself.

~I am not!~ Samurai replied, irritatedly.

~Samri wowwy wat!~ Miku laughed, jumping onto my leg and clinging to it.

We all laughed as I waited for my friends, Nyuu as usual was sitting on my head. I picked up Miku off my leg and tickled her tummy.

~Mana mana!~ She laughed as I smiled at her.

~Miku wove age!~ She giggled.

:Say Paige: I giggled.


:That's it!:

~Paige Paige Paige!~ She said happily. ~Miku wove Paige!~

"How are you two so fast?" Jake panted as he caught up.

I shrugged and went back to playing with my baby Pokèmon. Unlike Samurai and Gardenia, Miku could speak aloud as well as in my head and she could understand what I was saying to her in my head like Samurai and Gardenia.

"Lets go to the gym." Milly suggested to Jake. "So you can have your battle."

Her brother nodded. "Yeah. That's a good idea."

"So your going to compete at the gym?" A man in a green sweater with light brown hair asked, coming up to us. He looked at Samurai, Gardenia and Miku with interest. "Are these your Pokemon?" He asked Jake.

Jake shook his head. "No they're Paige's." he pointed at me and I smiled and waved. "I'm Jake and this is Milly." He pointed to Milly.

"They're absolutely splendid. Very inspirational blah blah blah"

I started to ignore him and played with Miku some more.

"Hello, are you listening?" He said irritated.

"You'll have to excuse her, she has a very short attention span." Milly said rolling her eyes.

I smiled and poked my tongue out at her.

"Anyway do you plan on challenging my gym?" He asked me.

"Wait, you're the gym leader?" Jake asked.

The man nodded. "Burgh's the name, gym leader in Castelia city." He did a bow. "So how about it... Paige was it?"

I shook my head.

"Paige doesn't like to battle competitively, she just does it for fun." Milly explained.

"What about a battle for fun? Then I can battle your friend." He suggested.

I thought about this. It would be fun to give it ago.

I nodded and pulled out my little black board and wrote; Sure :P

Burgh gave me a funny look.

"Oh, Paige is mute. She uses the black board to speak or she gets Samurai, her Gallade, or Gardenia, her Gardviour, to speak for her." Milly explained while I nodded.

"Well I'll be waiting for you at my gym, Paige and... Jake?"

Jake nodded. "Sure."

Burgh walked off after that leaving us standing there for a moment.

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