49~ shocking ending to a flaring battle

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I held my breath as we entered the throne room. I didn't know what to expect. I knew that N was trying to protect me now but I was still afraid of what he might do.

When we reached what looked like a battle field, already set up, we stopped and looked at N who was sitting on the throne at the end of the room. He sat up straight when he saw me, trying to catch my eye. I gave him a slight nod when he did, showing that I understood. He looked relieved for a moment before standing and walking forward.

"I will separate Pokemon from people, so Pokemon can regain their original power. It's time to settle this once and for all!" Once again he sounded like what he was saying had been scripted for him. He was speaking as if he didn't even know what he was saying himself. "My determination is absolute! I will prove the value of my beliefs even if it means my Pokemon friends get hurt! Since to have come this far, I believe you are equally determined. If that's so, prove it to me! Show me the depth of your determination!"

Jake was glaring slightly as N stood beside Ghetsis.

"You came all this way to battle me... But Reshiram is not responding."

I pulled my Light Stone from my bag, avoiding the look of surprise and disgust Ghetsis gave me. I gave it a slight shake, expecting something to happen.

"You haven't been recognised as the hero, have you? How disappointing. The idea of Trainers getting to know each other through battles is ridiculous! You have two options. Challenge me to a fight you can't win, or leave this place and watch the birth of a new world where Pokemon are free from people! Zekrom! Come to me!"

Within seconds of him saying that the large black dragon I'd seen N battling with before burst through the wall. Chucks of brick were sent everywhere. I looked around for somewhere to hide but instead I felt Jake pull me into his arms a shield me with himself.

I frown and let out a squeal when a particularly large brick came hurtling at us. I squeezed me eyes close, expecting it to hit but it never did. I opened my eyes and saw we were surrounded by a blue bubble.

I looked over at Gardenia who had her hands raised in front of her and her eyes closed. She was using protect.

:Thanks Gardenia: I said relieved.

~Anytime.~ She smirked slightly.

When the bricks stopped falling Gardenia lowered the bubble that surrounded all my Pokemon as well as Jake, Milly, Kay and I. N and Ghetsis were surprisingly unharmed. Not that I minded, though I also should mind if one of the large bits of brick squished Ghetsis. The large black dragon, Zekrom, was standing behind N glaring at Jake and myself making my flinch.

That's when I noticed the Light Stone was shaking I looked down at it and noticed that Jake's hand was also on it from when he went to shield me.

Jake removed his hand and the Light Stone stopped. I looked up and Jake than back at the Light Stone and understood. I pressed the Light Stone into Jake's hands.

"Your Light Stone is... I mean Reshiram is... Responding to Jake." N frowned.

Jake gasped slightly and accepted the Light Stone it glowed brighter and brighter. It left his hands and floated above the ground as it grew larger and larger. Jake pulled me back so it would have more room. I shielded my eyes when the light became to bright and when I lowered them there was no light stone but now a large white dragon looking at Jake calmly.

"Zekrom and Reshiram... They were once one life. One Pokemon. Complete opposites, yet the same. Zekrom and Reshiram are Pokemon that appear before the hero they recognise." N said speaking a bit more like himself. "I see, you are hero Jake. I'll tell you what that Pokemon is staying to you. "I want to battle with you. Try to make me your friend and ally." It plans to test you to see if you are really pursuing truth. I, also, am curious to see how powerful you are. Now, catch Reahiram and make it your ally!"

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