Chapter 26

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Cho-hee Pov

I woke up to the sound of the heavy rain outside. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the window. Look like the the clouds are mourning along with me. Tears accumulated in my eyes as I thought about what happened yesterday.

It became difficult for me to control my tears once I saw the rain. The sky was dark, it felt like night due to the dark and gloomy weather. The rain was pouring non stop. I observed the rain drops trickle from the glass of my window. 

I got up from the bed and ran my hands through my hair which was a mess. Didn't I comb my hair yesterday? It felt so frizzy. I looked down and realized that I slept in the exact same clothes I wore after the incident yesterday.

Wonder how I look. I smelled something bad, alcohol? I smelled alcohol. Did I drink yesterday? my eyes fell on bottles of soju on the table. I walked towards the bathroom to see how I looked. 

"Ahh" I yelled as I almost tripped and fell due to the way I looked. My mascara and eye makeup all over my face and my lipstick was a mess too. I splashed my face with water. What the hell did I do yesterday?!?!?! come on try to remember.

 I hope I didn't do any mistakes. What could possibly happen because I am alone. I found my phone in the bathtub filled with water. Wonder if it will work anymore.

I got cleaned up and tidied the entire place. I looked out the window to see if the rain had stopped. There was no sign of the rain decreasing. I sighed heavily as I poured a cup of coffee for myself. I sat next to window in my chair and drank the coffee as I looked out the window.

I heard the doorbell ring. Who could it be? in this heavy storm. I peeped through hole and saw the counter girl from the store I usually got to. She looked drenched in the rain. She was shivering due to the cold weather. I opened the door and let her in immediately. The water began dripping from her dress to the carpet. 

"What happened?" 

"It was raining so heavily just when I got out from the store but I didn't even have an umbrella so I decided to step here. Could I stay here until the rain stops unnie?" she asked as she ran her hands up and down her arms.

"Sure but before that, go to the bathroom, it's that way. Freshen up, I will bring you some clothes to wear"

"Thank you" she rushed to the bathroom. I looked through some my closet for some comfortable clothes. I brought her a pair of comfortable sweatpants and full sleeve crop top.

 I brought her a pair of comfortable sweatpants and full sleeve crop top

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She knocked at the bathroom door and called out to me. "I am coming" I yelled as I ran downstairs with the clothes and towel. 

She came out of the bathroom, rubbing her hair with the towel. I offered her the blow dryer so that her hair could dry faster. 

I made her a cup of coffee and we both are sitting next to each other looking outside the window sipping on the cup of coffee.

"Unnie you live alone? I thought you lived that oppa"

"Well, it's complicated. I am not sure if he is going to be here anymore"

"You broke up?"

"I really don't know, it's complicated. I am not even sure what we are to each other anymore"

"I am sorry for asking"

"It's ok I know it's out of curiosity"

I involuntarily placed my head on her shoulder as she placed hers on top of mine. A giggle escaped my mouth as she did that. I noticed that her cup was empty. "Want more?" "No it's ok" I took her cup and went towards the kitchen to keep it near the sink.

After I placed it near the sink I turned around and she hugged me all of a sudden. 

"Omo what is it?" I laughed as she hugged me. 


"Wae? what did you do?"

"Jinja Miyanae" 

after she said that a strong pain hit my stomach. My whole body felt numb as I gasped. It was like a knife pierced through my stomach. I looked down to my stomach and saw her hand holding the knife which went through my stomach.

It feels like I am going to die. I saw blood shooting out of my stomach as it tainted my entire dress red. She pulled out the knife which made the pain unbearable. I held my stomach tightly to stop the blood from gushing out.

I bit my bottom lip and tears started pouring out from my eyes. I fell on the floor, "Why d-did you" I managed to whimper. I don't know if she heard it. She dropped the knife and covered her mouth. "I- I had to, I am so sorry" I could see tears running down her cheeks.

My cries got loud as I tried going up the stairs with the pain. "Help me" I whispered out.

"I am sorry. I have to kill you, I just have to I am so sorry. I was asked to do this. She has my sister, I am sorry I really am" 

As she said that she picked up the knife from her hand and moved close to me. Her hands were shaking as she held the bloody knife in her hands making her hands drenched in blood too.

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