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Tell me what y'all think and give me some feedback if you don't mind so I know if I should scrap this idea or keep it!

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Onika Maraj
Houston, Texas
4:22 am

"Lauren Nicole London, if I end up late for my flight I'm killing your ass at the departures drop off!" I yelled upstairs to my best friend as I heard a thug mixed with shuffling upstairs

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"Lauren Nicole London, if I end up late for my flight I'm killing your ass at the departures drop off!" I yelled upstairs to my best friend as I heard a thug mixed with shuffling upstairs. I groaned and looked at my watch to see how short on time we were and Lauren was pushing it. The child was so time delirious that I genuinely believe she'd be late to her own funeral.

"London!" I yelled in a groan and in the middle of me calling her, down came running Lauren with her keys, phone and wallet in her hands.

"Calm down Oni, you still have an hour and a half and it's too early for all that damn yelling" she argued as she walked to the garage door and opened it.

"My flight could be moved to a different gate, a different terminal. They might have switched my flight if something's happened to the original plane. That's why you get there 2 hours early and you know how I get when I'm late!" I scolded her as I trailed behind her to the car.

"Plus you made me change out of my airport sweats" I grumpily told her and Lauren just looked back at me and waved me off.

"I made you change because you never know who you're gonna meet in an airport. You always gotta look fly even when you're about fly" she reasoned as she flashed her deep dimples to try and make me fall under her charm again.

"Who am I gonna see? Nobody Lauren, everybody is gonna be looking bummy and comfortable just like I was before you made me change"

"You never know. Could meet your dream girl in the most random places"

"I'd have better luck meeting her during a gymnastics meet than at the airport"

"Well at least you're dressed for the occasion and airport ready" Lauren simply said as she got in with me following. I rolled my eyes at her while buckling my seat belt and looked at the time on my phone which made me huff since the numbers kept showing us getting later and later.

     Once we were on the ride to the airport, we began talking about the game plan for my time in LA. I was going down to get Lo and I's new house in order until she finished her time at her current job and flew out later at the end of next week. We both decided to move from Houston as it was where we both went to college, but we've been graduated and needed a change of scenery so why not LA?

     Lauren's a lawyer and she's switching firms, but she has one more case to finish out before she can fully move. That's why I'm gonna be all alone in LA for two weeks until she joins me.

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