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Previously on Succubus

I tapped out of her thoughts and saw that she was looking at me. I smirked before checking the time on my laptop. It was now 8:15 so I needed to start class now. I got everything I needed and stood up before walking to my podium on the side of the screen. Onika had lust and want all in her eyes and I don't think she knew it. I quickly licked my lips before speaking to start my lecture. Soon Bey


"Alright everyone, today's class is on my favorite topic of the year, the Succubus and Incubus. This topic may get intense as we go along, so I'm telling you all now that if it gets too intense you can excuse yourself for a moment if needed. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am" they all replied. I don't take kindly to non verbal responses and they figured that out on the first day.

"Alright now for starters can anyone tell me exactly what a Succubus or an Incubus is?"

I looked around and nobody raised their hands. Not even Onika, and I literally told her what is was. Maybe she was too flustered to remember haha. I guess we'll see.

"Ms. Maraj? Would you like to tell everyone what one of these are?"

"Ummm it's a... sex demon" she said looking me in the eyes.

"Yes. Next time say it with certainty. I don't have time for uncertainty in my class Ms. Maraj" I spoke. The class chuckled at my smart remark.

"Yes ma'am" she responded now looking down at her notebook. I'm sorry

"Wait. So it's a demon who has sex with people? That doesn't seem very scary. In fact I'd let one attach to me on purpose!" One of my male students said. Since he's so bold, we might as well give him what he wants. Dinner might not be so hard to find Bey. I rolled my eyes and told her to cool it because we didn't need any attention drawn to us. The class giggled at his remark and it angered me a little. It's always that one student that pulls the "it's not scary" card. If I were any other demon I'd quickly show him my abilities, but since I'm not ruthless, I'll let him slide.

"Yes Kyle, they are "sex demons" but that's the dumbed down way of putting it. They're WAAY more than that. A succubus is a demon in female form, or supernatural entity in folklore, that appears in dreams and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. The male counterpart to the succubus is the incubus." I said proudly.

"Religious traditions hold that repeated sexual activity with a succubus may result in the deterioration of health or mental state, or even death. So Kyle, do you still want to be attached to one?" I asked him bluntly.

"You mean to tell me that the thing KILLS people?? HELL NO! How could something so fine, be so crazy?!" He responded quickly. Onika lightly chuckled at his loud comment before realizing that I was looking at her. She quickly dropped her head and continue writing.

"Not necessarily Kyle. They only kill if they either A, are extremely hungry or B, they are constantly using someone for energy. Or unless they're just pure ruthless and want to kill for fun" I spoke from my own knowledge, but they didn't know that of course. Another girl had raised her hand and I'm pretty sure she's about to say "How can that kill you?".

"How can that kill you?" She asked. I knew it.

"A Succubus drains everything in you when you have sex with her. Plus it's not just regular sex with them. It's faster, rougher, and overall way more intense. Your soul is now involved and everything about you is being used for the Succubus to drain. Put it this way, take your sex life and times it by 100. Your human bodies can't handle such intense intercourse, so if used once, you're gonna feel completely drained and your body is gonna have deteriorated some. It will have healed over time, but if used multiple times or for a long period of time, then the draining will ultimately kill you"

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