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Omniscient POV

     Bey was sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone since she didn't have to work today, thinking of all the ways that she could have spent her day off, but chose not to. As a CEO she rarely gets any time to breathe, but it's not as bad as her wife's job. Nicki is a CFO of another company, but she might as well be the CEO because her boss always pushes his work to her and expects it to be done ASAP. Which she always gets done, but she's always coming home stressed out and tired. Bey always feels bad for her, so she tries to help take off some of the load of work when Nicki comes home. Bey keeps telling her that she needs to take a break and wind down, but Ms. Overachiever won't ever listen.
     Speaking of Ms. Overachiever, here she comes. 

Nicki POV

     I'm so happy to be home that I just want to fall out in the threshold. This has been one of the most stressful days that I have ever had to endure. For starters my boss went on vacation, which meant that he left all of his for ME. PLUS it seemed that everyone was sick so that meant more work and more people that I had to manage. I've never been so close to snapping on a group of people.
     Even though this day has been hell, I'm just glad that I get to come home and relax with my wife.

Omniscient POV
     Bey watched her wife walked through the door sluggishly, looking like she was ready to skip dinner and just lay down. She got up and went to greet her wife with a sympathetic look on her face, which drew Nicki into her embrace with a sigh. She really missed her wife today and was so happy to be in her arms.

"Rough day today?"

"The roughest of rough B.B." Nicki said with her face in her wife's neck. Placing innocent kisses along her wife's neck as a habit she's grown to have.

"Well I made dinner, but you seem like all you need right now is relaxation, so I plan to help you with that!" Bey said as she took Nicki upstairs to their bedroom.

"Really Baby? Thank you so much" Nicki said, placing multiple pecks on her wife.

"It's nothing babe, just go undress and I'll get everything set up for you to relax okay?" Bey said with her hands around Nicki's waist.


     Nicki quickly undressed and went into the bathroom to see rose petals all in the pink tinted bath water. Bey had also lit a lavender candle to help soothe Nicki some more.

"Babe it's so pretty!" Nicki said with wide eyes and a bright smile.

"And its all for you so hop in and I'll be back in a little to check on you"

     Nicki did as told and got into the tub, but she felt like something was missing. She wanted her wife to relax with her.

"Get in with me? Please" she said with a flash of her dimples and an innocent look.

"Your wish is my command" Bey said undressing and slowly sinking into the tub behind Nicki. She then began to massage her shoulders and neck, hoping to remove the tension in them.

"Mmmm B.B. that feels so good" she said with her head falling back into her wife, enjoying the amazing feeling of her other half's hands.

"I'm glad honey"

      After doing that for some time, Bey then began to trail her hands down Nicki's arms, going up and down the front of her wife's chest, slowly caressing her breasts and back to her original starting point on her shoulders. She knew that by doing this she would get Nicki worked up, but that might just be the plan to get her to relax. Bey continued this pattern for a good little bit until Nicki had enough.

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