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Previously on IBYC
"B.B. are you okay?" Nicki asked touching her hand. Bey snatched her hand away, not trusting herself with these two.

"Hell! No! I'm frustrated and am having an internal crisis right now!"

"Should of tapped out babe, but how about this? We halt the bet until lunch is over. Okay?" Rih spoke

"Yes! Thank god!"

"Don't thank us just yet. Now eat your food, I know you're starving Bey"

She was right. Bey happily complied and dug into her food. The rest of lunch was all of them going back and forth, laughing and bonding as if they weren't just competing with each other. Bey was glad for this break, but knew it was gonna be harder after lunch. She just hoped she could keep getting lucky.

After Lunch

     Okay, I've got to switch my tactics, which so far have been to take it until they give up. Obviously that hasn't worked, so now I need a new plan. I need to think of something that's gonna make me win this bet. Something that will make them have no choice, but to surrender and I need to think fast because the mall is not that far away. Right now I'm sitting in the third row of the car away from both frick and frack so that they can't continue the bet until I'm outside of the car. They wanted me to drive again and I said HELL NO! Now I know I'm the most naive out of the three of us, but I'm not that stupid. It'll take us fifteen minutes to get to the mall, which gives me ample amount of time to hatch a revenge plan on their asses. Knowing them it has to be full proof or else they'll find a loophole out of it.

And I think I just got an idea!

At the mall

We finally arrived at the mall and I waited for Rih and Nicki to get out before I hopped out.

"Have fun in the backseat Bey?" Nicki asked with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, didn't want to chance us making you surrender again?" Rih followed chuckling lowly.

"I'm not saying shit because y'all really think you two have this in the bag!"

"Oh we know we do. Did you forget that the only reason you haven't lost is because of luck? If that horn or that waiter hadn't of stopped us, then you would of been screaming your surrender, so I suggest you reevaluate who's in the lead for this one Bey" Rih spoke moving dead in front of me. Her eyes were challenging me, and I wasn't about to back down. Not this time.

"Oh yeah? Well you won't be in the lead for long..... daddy" I whispered in her ear before turning to walk away.

"Oh and one more thing. I forgot to tell you this earlier, but you look so sexy mama, almost fuckable don't you think daddy?" I spoke seductively.

"Uhhhh" Rob stuttered out, while Nicki bit her lip with confusion in her eyes. I guess they didn't expect this new found confidence. I walked away, leaving them both speechless and curious.

"Are you two just gonna stand there looking clueless or are we gonna go shopping?" I yelled from the doors. They immediately snapped out of it and started walking. I've got them right where I want them!

"So which store first baby?" Rih asked from behind me.

"Well since we have that party coming up why don't Nicki and I go look for dresses? I know you don't really like to wear dresses, so why don't you go look for a woman's suit?"

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