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(This oneshot will be a little different than my others!)


"So how was shopping?" I asked

"It was okay. Everything was fine except for the fact that every ten minutes I'm stopped because of YOU"


"YOU HAVE MY FACE BEYONCÈ!" Well duh we're twins

"YOU HAVE MY FACE BEYONCÈ!" Well duh we're twins

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(Beyoncè on the left and Bianca on the right)

"ACTUALLY you have MINE. I'm older by five minutes remember"

"Will you ever let me forget?"

"NoPe" I said making sure to pop the P.

"Well anyways, all day I kept getting mistaken for you and I'm starting to wonder if they know that you have a twin. Literally all I heard was "Beyoncè when's the album coming out? Beyoncè where's the formation world tour DVD? Beyoncé when are you and your wives gonna collab?" It's quite funny how persistent they are about that damn DVD Bey. Just give it to them for both of our sakes"

"One, they are never getting that DVD and two, they definitely know that I have a twin because whenever I play a role in a movie they think I'm YOU "Bianca what's it like to play with Donald Glover? Did you like kissing Idris Elba? Bianca how did you get your sister to do your singing parts in The Lion King?" Soooo I think we're even on that"

"Uhh why couldn't mama have had us SEPARATELY. I'd at least have SOME sort of distinction against you. Don't get me wrong I love being a twin, but times like this I want a face that has only ONE identity attached to it."

"Oh trust me I feel the same way, but look on the bright side of having the same face! We never got caught when we swapped places for things like school exams and drivers tests. Also the amount of times we've saved each other's asses when one of us wanted to sneak out has to mean SOMETHING. Without a twin you could never do that! Unless you had a really close looking sister, but that's not the point"

"Those were good times too! Remember when I was sick on the day of my final in history, so you took it for me since you had already taken yours and knew what was on it. I got a solid 98 when in reality I should have gotten at most a 89!"

"Or the time that I wanted to sneak out to go see Nicki and Rih, so you tricked mom by running into my room and changing clothes whenever she came in so that she wouldn't notice me gone!"

"You don't know how many times I almost fell on my ass trying to run and disguise myself as you" Bianca said laughing her ass off.

     Covering for each other was a major part of our childhood and quite frankly we still do it from time to time. And you know what?! I just got an idea!

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