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Nicki POV

It's 2:00 in the morning and I can't fall asleep back asleep. I'm currently laying down on my side with my body laying on Bey's chest. Her arm is wrapped around my waist and the other arm is around my thigh that is wrapped around her like a snake. Right now her touch is not helping me at all. These pregnancy hormones have me all over the place and right now I'm extremely horny. It doesn't help that Bey's not-so little friend is standing at attention right now and is pressing into my core. Every time she moves, her dick ends up pushing more into me, making light whimpers come out of my mouth at the feeling. I don't understand how even in her sleep she can tease someone into insanity. I don't want to wake her, since she's sleeping so peacefully, but it's getting worse and worse.

"Bey" I whispered



"Whaaat?" She groaned deeply, moving slightly, making me feel the presence of her dick.

"I need your help"

"With what baby? Can't you see that I'm sleep?" She whined, moving her face into my neck some, letting me feel her breathing into me. She's not making this any easier.

"But I'm horny and it's getting worse babe" I whined squirming from the feeling, which was a bad decision.

"Why can't you just play with yourself?"

"Cause I won't be able to fully cum with just my fingers. It won't satisfy me. Please daddy I REALLY need you" I begged, calling her by her favorite name from me. I was slowly massaging her arm and neck, then I started grinding into her to somewhat stop her unintentional teasing. I could tell I was turning her on because her hold onto my waist tightened and she started tapping her fingers on my thigh. It was something she did when she was getting worked up. I slightly smiled and ground harder into her which pushed her to let me have my way.

Bey groaned one last time before turning her face towards me and laying on her side, with me now on my back. It was now evident that she was on board with my request, judging by the dark look in her eyes.

"You want daddy to make this pretty pussy cum?" She asked in her deep, husky morning voice.

"Yessss please" I begged, placing my hand the nape of her neck.

"Tell me what you want love" She voiced as she pressed her nose against mine and stared deeply into me.

"Your mouth Bey. I need your mouth on me"

"Hmmm...You want my mouth here?" She asked placing her lips on my ear. She started placing light kisses, trailing from the back of my ear, to my jaw, and finally to the nape of my neck. I turned my neck to give her more access. The kisses quickly turned sloppy and then into full on sucking. I know for a fact that she was giving me so many hickeys on my neck. She has a thing for marking me, which I'm not complaining about at all.

"Mmmm no daddy. Lower" I moaned out. She smiled into my neck before complying with my wishes and trailed her kissed down towards my collarbone.

"What about here? You want my mouth here Gorgeous?" She asked now kissing my breasts and collarbone. She had easy access to them since I never wore anything to bed. Ever since I became pregnant I haven't been wanting to sleep in anything but my underwear. It gets too hot and I just end up taking my sleep shirt off. Bey doesn't have a problem with it because one, she gets free access to my breasts and two, because she says that she can listen to my heartbeat clearer when laying on me. She immediately took one of my nipples in her mouth and sucked softly, lightly pinching and rolling my other nipple between her fingers before switching sides. She alternated between flicking her long tongue and nibbling on my nipple, which had me soaked since they're so sensitive now. Even though the pleasure of having her warm mouth of my breasts felt amazing, I still wanted her mouth elsewhere.

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