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Nicki POV

     It's been four months since B.B. and Rih became my mommy and daddy and it's been wonderful. They've shown me nothing but genuine love and affection, which I wasn't really used to since I've only been in the little orphanage my whole life. They've broken so many of my barriers that I created before them, and have taught me what it truly feels like to be cared for. There's only one thing I've been worried about and that's if I'll be able to pleasure them as good as they do to me. You see since I've never been out of the orphanage, that means that I've never had any sexual experiences with anyone until now with B.B. and Rih. They introduced me into the world of pleasure and how amazing it can be, but I've never had the guts to pleasure them. I don't know how and I'm afraid that I will disappoint them if I'm not good at it. They always tell me that it's fine and that I shouldn't put pressure on myself about it, but it's kinda hard when you're looking at their bodies, wanting to do something, but not having the courage or knowledge on how to initiate anything. I want to learn how to please them so bad, but they always think that I'm doing it because I feel like I have to and not because I want to, which isn't the case at all. Maybe I'll ask again today.

"Princess what's got you so spaced out?" Daddy asked with a intrigued look on her face. She was sitting beside me on the couch.

"Yeah cupcake what ya thinking about?" Mommy followed now on the other side of me.

"ummmmmm it's nothing" Good going Onika, way to go

"I can tell that's it's not Nic Nac. Remember what we told you. You can tell us ANYTHING, no matter how bad. Now spill what's been in that brain of yours little one" Daddy said now with a hand on my thigh and mommy doing the same on my other side.

"Okay okay, I really want you guys to teach me how to please you. I've been wanting this for a while, but you two always think that I'm asking out of pressure and not out of true want, which I promise you isn't the case. I want to be able to please the both of you whenever we have playtime instead of the other way around. I PROMISE I'm ready mommy and daddy" I said while looking between the both of them with a hopeful look on my face.

     They both looked indecisive, looking at each other as if they were communicating through their eyes

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     They both looked indecisive, looking at each other as if they were communicating through their eyes. I thought that they were about to tell me no again, so I started lifting up out of my seat to go to our bedroom, but before I could really get up they finally spoke up.

"Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE princess? We don't want you to do something that you're not truly ready for. We say the same thing over and over again because we mean it. We are completely fine if you're not ready. All that matters is your well being Nic" Mommy said with a hand on the side of my face trying to see if I'm lying or not.

"I'm so sure Mommy. I've never been more sure of something. I've always wanted to please you guys, but I never knew what to do"

"Well... okay little one, we'll teach you. Mommy and daddy will go slow and if at any point you want to stop you just tell us alright? You're comfortability comes first okay, remember that" Daddy said while slowly rubbing my thigh and Mommy doing the same, but to my cheek, nodding her head in agreement.

"I understand daddy! I promise I will tell one of you if I start to feel different about it. I just want to learn how to please my mommy and daddy!"

"Okay then my angel, why don't you go upstairs to the bedroom and we'll be upstairs in a second okay. We love you Nic Nac!" Mommy said while placing a passionate kiss on my lips, making me crave her touch. Daddy did the same after, but this kiss was sloppy, yet passionate, making me so wet. When we separated I looked at both of them with lust and want in my eyes. They now had the same look, which turned me on even more. God I can't wait to please them

"I love you too mommy and daddy!" I said while getting up, receiving a hard squeeze on my ass before I made my way upstairs. It was most likely from mommy since she loves my ass so much. I mean they both do, but daddy is more of a breast woman than mommy, which is amazing for me! B.B. will always make remarks on how good my ass looks in everything and what she wants to do to it on a regular basis while Rih does the same, but to my breasts, which lets me get the best of both worlds from the two. I'm so excited, but also very nervous.


"So how are we gonna do this?"

"Let's just go on her pace. Guide her and then let her lead us in the direction that she wants to go in. Make sure we give her tons of praise to calm her nerves and make her comfortable. She thinks she'll disappoint us, so we have to slowly get that out of her head and show her that she's wrong" Bey said looking at me to respond.

"Got it Mrs. Fenty, you ready to go up there?" I said kissing her hungrily, pulling her waist into me as we get up off the couch.

"Yes Mrs. Fenty"

"Well let's go before she gets too nervous"

Part 2?




Thoughts on Nicki's desire to please?

I'm working on part 2 of I bet you can't, so it should be done soon!

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