Announcement-New Book

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Hey y'all so after the unanimous response on the prologue of Ribs, I've decided to go ahead and give y'all the book. The first chapter is already up so go on over and read if that interests you. I'd really appreciate it and hope that you all like it. It will be shorter than T.S. since each chapter is already planned out (I've technically wrote up to chapter 3 already so y'all know I've got the spark back haha. Also neither T.S. Or C.F. are finished so don't think I'm dropping either book 😂. T.S is my damn baby so we're riding that plot until the very end). I love y'all and thank you guys for supporting me so hard. You've truly been my encouragement to continue writing with your comments and engagement!

 You've truly been my encouragement to continue writing with your comments and engagement!

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