•10: Combat Training•

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I feel that word has been a recurring theme for me these past few days. All Might had explained we were to pair up and half of us would be the villain team while the others would be heroes. The heroes have a limited time to infiltrate a building and recover a mock bomb or capture the villains by sticking a piece of tape to them. The villains are to protect the bomb until the time runs out.
I have been paired up to be villains with a blonde boy with a tail named Ojiro. Unfortunately, our hero opponents are Todoroki and a very tall, eight-armed boy named Shoji.

Ojiro and I wait in silence on the top floor of the concrete building. The gigantic bomb- almost scraping the ceiling, stands behind us.

"Do you have any idea what they might do?" Ojiro breaks the silence.

I shake my head. "Not really-" Suddenly, I remember the encounter at the grocery store a few weeks ago. "Hold on, I think I might have an inkling. Todoroki would probably try to freeze the floor and our feet, immobilizing us." I explain. "Any idea what Shoji's quirk is?"
He shakes his head in response. "Alright. Let's get up high for now." I jump up and hang on to the side of the bomb, Ojiro copying.

Just as we get our feet off the floor, a cold rush of chilly wind fills the building. Milliseconds later, sparkling, crystalline ice floods the floor, frost coating the walls and ceiling.
'Looks like we guessed correctly.' I think as we set ourselves down on top of the slippery ice.

"They'll be here any second now." Ojiro states and I nod.

"Listen up." I start. "I'm going down a floor and I'm going to create a decoy with my chromokinesis quirk. I can make any image on a surface. They'll check the floor underneath us before this one, so I'm sure they'll stop and think they've found it. Stay up here and guard the real one just in case."
He nods. "If anything happens, I'll buzz you." I tap the earpiece in my ear that's connected to my teammate's.

I then quickly run out of the room, careful not to slip on the ice. I dash down a flight of frosty stairs before turning into a random room. 'Jeez, why is Todoroki's quirk so powerful?' I think as the whole building is frozen with his ice.

I close my eyes and envision the image on the bomb. I attempt to make an optical illusion using the wall since I don't want the bomb to look too 2D. I paint a fake Ojiro standing next to the bomb as I stand by the door.

As soon as I finish my art, I hear soft footsteps hurridly dashing up the stairs. I freeze in place as the footsteps approach and the door to the room swings open. There, todoroki stands in his stark white hero costume with fake, glimmering ice covering the red-haired half of his body. He appears less like a peppermint and more like just a mint. We narrow our eyes at each other and I catch his gaze wandering over to the fake bomb and Ojiro.

"Nice decoys." He says, glaring at me.

I'm astonished that he was able to tell, but I don't show it. "Really?" I smirk underneath the mask of my hero costume. I quickly draw another image of Ojiro overtop the existing one, but this one with closed eyes. I quickly flash the image before erasing it again making it seem as if Ojiro blinked.

Todoroki's eyes go wide before he quickly composes himself again. 'He fell for it. Looks like his first statement was a gamble.' I think. Suddenly, an icy wind fills the room as he raises an ice wall to seperate me from the fake bomb. I dodge the wall and run towards him as quickly as I can without slipping on my cast. He quickly raises another wall between us to stop my advances. I lift my cast and use the sturdy and heavy material to kick through the wall, shattering it. I throw a punch, but he easily blocks, grabbing ahold of me by the arm. I sweep under him to make him lose his balance as he tries to throw me over his shoulder. We fall to the frost-covered floor with a thud, him trapping me under him. I swiftly roll us over and attempt to get up only for him to grab me by the arm, keeping me over him as he tries to wrap the capture tape on my arm.

I quickly pull away and stand back up, him doing the same. I shut my eyes and try to imagine the pattern of the wall behind me, painting it over my body to camouflage with my background. Todoroki hesitates for a moment and squints, trying to pin point my exact location. I sneak behind him, trying to get close enough to snatch the tap from him.

"I can feel your body heat." He says as he turns around and looks me dead in the eyes, his face so close our noses are inches from touching.

I blush furiously under my mask at our dangerous distance, my heart skipping a beat as my camouflage melts away.

"Rin?" Ojiro suddenly chimes into my earpiece, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Is Todoroki down there? Time is almost up and I captured Shoji already."

"We'll be finished soon." I reply through the earpiece, causing Todoroki to hesitate, realizing Ojiro is with the bomb and they aren't on this floor.

That split second of hesitation is enough for me to grab the capture tape from his hands and wrap it around his wrist. I huff as I catch my breath. "Got you."

A loud beep sounds similar to an alarm as our time goes up. "Villain team wins!" All Might's voice echoes from the speakers.

I wince as a familiar, dull ache pounds at my temples. "I really need to work on building up more tolerance." I say under my breath as I sit down on the floor, the frost beginning to melt away.

Todoroki outstretches a hand towards me as a gesture to help me up. I chuckle and get up on my own. "I'm fine. I don't need help." I say as we exit the room and make our way down the stairs of the building.

I descend the stairs much more slowly than Todoroki due to my cast. He heaves a heavy sigh and stops to wait for me before putting my arm over his shoulder and helping me down much quicker. "Just accept help the first time." He mutters.

I bite my lip under my mask. 'I don't want help.' I think, irritated. "Whatever." I mumble under my breath. 'I guess it's faster like this anyways.' I note mentally. "Thanks, I guess."


So I decided to continue this story.
Ngl I think the concept for this story is kinda cool so I'm going to continue writing it. I wrote three chapters so far, and I'm not struggling yet so I guess I'll keep going :)

Tbh chapter 7-9 are a little longer than I would like, but I think I was just trying to get the chapters out and push myself at the time because of my writer's block.
I think I've become unblocked(?) now so yay!

As always, thanks for reading!

-Bora 🌌

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