•22: Tension•

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"Rise and shine." Aizawa says through the door. I peel open my tired eyes that are sore from yesterday's intense sobbing.

"Get dressed in your PE uniform." He says.

"What?" I open my bedroom door groggily, still exhausted from last night.

"I've made up my mind." He says. "You're going to participate in the Festival whether officer Osaro likes it or not."

"What?!" All my tiredness vanishes immediately. "Aren't you going to get in trouble?"

He shakes his head. "I'm sure most people would agree that he's in the wrong. Your reformation and care is more important that UA's reputation, and as an officer, he should understand that. Plus, it's not like you'll do anything horrible at the festival. Does he think you're some kind of dangerous villain? I'm sure Bakugo is more violent than you." He scoffs. "'Ruin UA's reputation'. That's the biggest bullshit I've heard all year. Go get dressed." 

My eyes widen and a smile creeps up onto my face in excitement. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, get ready to leave." He says and walks down the stairs.

As I enter the bathroom and get dressed in my PE uniform, my mind wanders back to why I wanted to be in the festival in the first place. 'To prove I'm strong...' I bite my lip, conflicted. After fighting with Todoroki yesterday, I'm not sure what I think. 'Does he really not pity me?' I feel the guilt from last night come back to me. 'I need to apologize today.' I think as I leave the bathroom.


'Holy crap!' I breathe out as Aizawa and I step out of the car to face a huge sports dome for the festival. Crowds of people are already in line and scattered around, trying to get inside or standing by the food stalls. Mixed in with the crowd, I spot lots of pro heroes including ones whose agencies have been vandalized by me before. I grimace, remembering how there will be millions of people staring at me as well as those I've slandered. 'It's not like anyone will know who I am.' 

I follow Aizawa through the crowd and into the stadium after showing Mt. Lady his pass. We walk down a long hallway towards the participant waiting rooms. "The rest of the class is probably here already." He states while glancing at the clock on the wall. We stop in front of a door with a sign reading "1-A" on it. "Have fun. You don't need to win, okay? I'll be in the announcer room." He tells me reassuringly, reminding me of my parents.

I shake away that thought. "Okay." I reply as he walks off, leaving me in front of the waiting rooms.

I take a deep breath. 'If Todoroki is in there, ask to speak to him and apologize.' I tell myself as I prepare to go in. I hear sounds of chattering and chairs scraping across the floor inside. Just as I grab ahold of the metal door handle and push it down, the room goes silent. I can hear muffled talking and then Midoriya's voice shouting something unintelligable through the door. I can feel the atmosphere change even though I'm not in the room. I open the door quietly and my eyes widen slightly at the sight of Midoriya and Todoroki glaring at each other.

"Rin!" Mina bounces over to me. "You're here! Are you excited?"

I nod. "Yeah."

I catch Todoroki's glance. I can't how he's feeling with that stoic expression.

"You're participating?" he asks me, attitude laced within voice.

I grimace. 'He's definitely upset'. 

"Why wouldn't she?" Uraraka questions.

"It's a long story." I mumble. "But, Todoroki, can I talk to you for a second?"

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