•12: Stuck With You•

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"We're almost done." I hear a raspy human voice whisper not too far from the vent opening. "We just need to find the teacher's lounge and then we need to get out without being caught."

"Shh, look!" I hear another strangely familiar voice say, this one much higher pitched like a female's and closer to the vent opening.

All sounds of movement stop abruptly and so does the talking. My breath hitches in my throat as I realize, 'They're watching me!'


I freeze dead in my tracks, my heart beating a million miles a minute. 'I'm being watched, and something tells me they aren't trespassing reporters.' I think, brushing off the oddly familiar voice as I can't quite place where I've heard it before. I nonchalantly make my way over to the sink, washing my hands. "Everyone's pushing around outside, I got food all over my hands. I wanted to enjoy lunch." I casually say outloud, masking my panic and trying to act as if I didn't notice the trespassers. "I guess I'll leave the bathroom once the crowd calms down." I shrug and dry my hands. I peek at the vent opening from the corner of my mask as I sit down next to the bathroom door.

'Please believe me, please believe me, please believe me.' I chant in my head.

"Rin?" The bathroom door suddenly swings open causing me to jump as my eyes meet a certain peppermint-haired boy, pushing on the door to keep it open despite the raging crowd outside.

I quickly pull him by the collar into the bathroom, slapping my hand over his mouth to prevent him from making noise as the bathroom door shuts behind him.

I let go of him and press a finger to my lips to signal him to be quiet.

"Rin." He whispers softly, ignoring my gesture to shut up. "What are you doing? This is the girls' bathroom. I can't be in he-" I clamp my hand over his mouth again, his eyes widen.

"What part of shutting up do you not understand, Peppermint Head?" I hiss. I listen in carefully again only to hear the fading noises through the vents slowly going farther away. I heave a sigh of relief and release my hand from his mouth. "That was terrifying."

"This is terrifying." Todoroki states. "Why am I in here?"

"Yeah, why are you here?" I ask, a little annoyed that he almost blew my cover.

"I came looking for you." He replies. "And why are you mad? You're the one who pulled me in here."

"Ah- Well, I guess you're right." I huff out. 'Then again, if he hadn't come, those people might not have believed my acting.' I think with a little relief. "Thanks." I sigh out.

"For what?" He quirks an eyebrow at me in confusion.

"There were people in the vents." I state. His eyes widen. "I heard them crawling around and they noticed me through there." I point to the vent a few feet away. "I doubt they would've believed my casual acting if it weren't for you."

"Shouldn't we tell the teachers about this?" He reaches for the door and pushes on it hard, only for the tidal wave of students to block it like an over-efficient door wedge.

"If we can get out that is." I reply, kicking on the door with my cast. It doesn't budge.

"I guess we're stuck here together until it calms down outside." Todoroki says with a sigh. We slide down to the floor, sitting down together.

"They clearly aren't dating." I flush as I recall my conversation ealier with the girls. 'Yeah, Yaoyorozu's right, we aren't dating or anything like that at all.' I think as I stare at his face as he rests head on his hand.

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