•11: Unexpected Series of Events•

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"RIN!" A familiar, yellow-haired boy barges into the classroom, gaining the attention of not only me, but the rest of the class.

"Kaminari?" I groan and stretch, lifting my head from my desk. 'Class hasn't even started yet, it's way too early for all this noise.' I had already used up so much energy this morning since Aizawa and I basically pushed (or rather, fought as I recall definitely kicking at some people who were getting a litte too close) our way through the press and reporters jumbled up at the school's entrance this morning. Apparently people have caught wind of All Might teaching here.

Kaminari rushes to my desk and slams his hands down. "W-Why didn't you tell us...?" He breathes out in a dramatic sigh.

My eyes widen from behind my mask. 'No, there's no way they found out about my mother? Right? Or maybe they found out about the real reason for me being here?' Thoughts race through my head as my palms begin to sweat. My classmates so far have been nice enough not to pry into why I was introduced so abruptly in the year. 'Or maybe they found about me being hero-slandering vandal?' I fidget nervously in my seat.

He shoves his phone up to my face- or rather, mask. "YOU WERE FAMOUS THIS WHOLE TIME?!" He exclaims.

'Bingo.' I think as my eyes land on a picture of the Masked Vandal from a recent news report titled, "The Masked Vandal: CAUGHT?! Sudden disappearance from the streets." I could feel the stares of our classmates as they start forming a small circle around Kaminari to see what's going on, their faces slowly turning into one of shock.

"The mask, the pen name, the quirk, it's identical!" He says. "You're practically a celebrity!" He dramatically falls to his knees next to my desk. "Why didn't you tell us you were so cool!"

"I wouldn't exactly say that being a criminal is cool..." I mutter guiltily, yet slightly confused by his positive reaction.

"You all didn't know?" Iida and Yaoyorozu asks.

Everyone's jaws drop in even more shock- including mine. "YOU TWO KNEW?!"

"W-Well, Rin wasn't exactly hiding her identity." Yaoyorozu replies.

"Hah?! Why the hell is a criminal at a hero school?!" Bakugo sneers. The red-head Kirishima puts a hand on Bakugo's shoulder, gesturing to calm down.

"Isn't the Masked Vandal kinda a big hero-hater?" Sero asks.

"U-Um, I don't exactly hate heroes..." I sputter nervously. This is the last thing I was expecting to happen today.

"What made you want to come here?" Uraraka asks curiously.

"I didn't really deci-"

"Did you get caught by the police or something?" Another asks, cutting me off.


"Were you undercover or something?"


"Did we just blow your cover?" The others begin to talk amongst themselves excitedly, as if they had just received the juciest gossip in the whole school- well, it might be.

A hand suddenly lands on my shoulder. I look up in surprise to see Todoroki. "Maybe we shouldn't pry." He states, interrupting the chatter. I let out a sigh of relief.

Mina rubs the back of her head sheepishly. "Yeah, sorry Rin."

"No, it's okay." I respond, a little less nervous now that Todoroki had swooped in. "Your reactions were much more positive than I thought they would be..."

"Well, it's not like you're a villain, right?" Yaoyorozu says with a comforting smile.

'Marry me.' I say internally at her sweetness.

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