•39: Kiss of Death•

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Our conversation is cut short by the sounds of footsteps approaching us. We immediately get up from our seats as I regretfully snap out of my stupid thoughts about Shoto.

'It's okay. I'll get another chance to ask him about how he feels.' I reassure myself. 'Hopefully.'


Carnal and a woman I saw up on the landing with the other Vulture members earlier steps into view across from us. Carnal's eyes widen at the sight of Shoto and I and turns to the stone-faced, white-haired woman next to her. "Sis, this is the girl I was talking about earlier! The Mistress' daughter!"

"Sis?" I think out loud.

"My twin sister!" Carnal replies enthusiastically.

"You know her?" Shoto whispers to me. "Wait, Mistress' daughter?"

I nod. "She's the villain I fought at USJ and recently told me about my mom. I'll fill you in about that later." I add, really not wanting to get into my mother right now.

"Rapacity, meet Rin. Rin, meet Rapacity." Carnal introduces us to each other, completely ignoring Shoto's presence.

I scan Carnal's sister up and down. She has a much taller and curvier frame than her younger sister. Her long, snow-white hair flows down the back of her blue dress that matches Carnal's and bangs cover her left eye. Rapacity wears a much more cold and stoic expression than her warm and gleeful sister, but their faces look startlingly alike. They are no-doubt related.

'So this is the holder of the other four sins of their seven deadly sins "package."' I note as I recall Carnal telling me her sister controls half of their shared quirk.

"You look nothing like your mother." She states to me in a cold tone.

"That what I said, too!" Carnal pipes up.

Carnal's smile turns into a pout. "Where's Dabi?" She asks. "I thought he would've handled you. There's no way two little UA students took him out." She says. "He can wipe out entire homes with his firepower."

My heart drops as I realize how easy Dabi was going on us earlier. We simply left him in the cellar, and he hasn't even bothered to chase after us. To be honest, I had never seen Dabi use his quirk on someone else before. I have no idea what he's capable of or what he does as a villain.

"We'll just take care of them now." Rapacity whips out a red fan that matches Carnal's blue one.

In a flash, they rush towards us, waving their fans to slice through air. Shoto and I quickly dodge their razor sharp fans before they can cut us. I quickly duck under one of Rapacity's attacks and kick my leg out. She stumbles a bit as she avoids being hit by my leg. Shoto stomps down on the ground as a sheet of ice covers the ground by Rapacity's feet, encasing her feet and ankles.

"Nice." I say to him. "Watch out!" Before Shoto can dodge Carnal's fan, I kick her down from the side.

Rapacity frees herself from the ice fairly quickly as she and Carnal get up again. Shoto and I dodge and attack back seamlessly as a team, Carnal and Rapacity doing the same. We engage in a sort of dangerous dance as we dodge each other's attacks and can't manage to get any solid hits on our opponents. It's clear that this will end up being a game of endurance, and both Shoto and I are starting to get tired. Fighting all evening and being put up against big-time villains is starting to take a toll on us.

Suddenly, I feel a sudden pressure on my arm. I quickly look back to see a very thin, tight string wound tightly around my wrist. Rapacity takes the opportunity to swing her fan at me.

"Rin!" Shoto quickly pulls me back, the edge of her fan slicing cleanly through my mask, grazing my face ever so slightly. The plastic fox mask clatters to the ground, the earpiece falling out of its place on the side of the mask. Small droplets of warm blood drips down from my forehead. I raise my hand up to touch the scratch and it comes back bloody. My hand is suddenly pulled away on its own accord as another string wraps around my arm. "What the hell?!" I tug on the string as Shoto attempts to keep Rapacity and Carnal at bay.

"What is it?" He asks.

"There's strings pulling on my arms. I can't move them!" I shout out as I struggle to free my arms.

"Without your mask, you look even less like your mother." Rapacity says to me as she swipes her fan at my arm. I quickly move to the side as her fan hits the string, unable to cut through it. The twang of the string is heard as the red fan plucks the tight thread.

'How sturdy is this string?!' I think as Rapacity's eyes show a sign of shock, changing a bit from her stoic expression earlier.

I let out a yelp of surprise as a string wraps around my waist, pulling me back into the bushes of camellias. Just before I'm brought into the bush, a hand catches me by my wasit. My eyes widen as I look up to see a familiar pair of green-brown eyes paired with a sly grin, the ends of the strings attached to his fingertips. "What a pleasant coincidence, Rie."

"Kai!" Carnal calls out gleefully at the appearance of her fellow Vulture member. Shoto's face twists into a scowl, glaring at Kai coldly.

"Ichikawa." Rapacity states. "What business do you have here? I thought you were testing that other UA kid. The one with the green hair and freckles"

'Midoriya!' I think to myself.

"Turns out we had quite a couple undercover intruders tonight. A bunch of heroes saved him. I managed to escape thanks to that portal guy from the League- Kurogiri, I think his name was." Kai replies.

He turns his attention towards me. "Now, Rie- if that's even your real name. I didn't know you were such a scheming little rat." He says with a smile, but his words carry an undertone of malice that sends shivers down my spine.

"Let go of me." I demand him as I struggle under his grip.

The string around my waist tightens as his grin widens. "As fiesty as ever I see." He says under his breath before turning to Rapacity and Carnal. "Don't kill that kid." He points to shoto. "He's the son of a pro hero. I think the number two hero, Endeavour. Our group would get into some trouble a bit bigger than we can handle if we kill him."

"What do we do with him?" Rapacity asks as she narrowly misses getting hit my a pillar of ice. "He's getting pretty annoying."

"I wonder..." Kai's strings wrap around my legs and neck. I freeze as I feel the thin thread tight against the flesh of my neck. I can no longer kick and struggle. I am completely immobile.

I can hear Shoto, Carnal, and Rapacity fighting behind me, but I can't turn my head to look back. My gaze is locked onto Kai. "I wonder what your quirk tastes like." He smirks as he leans in, his lips stopping mere millimeters frm my own. My eyes widen as every nerve in my body lights up in alarm, adrenaline pumping through me as I try to move my body.

However, our lips never touch. Instead, he takes a deep inhale and I feel as if my breath is being stolen right from my lungs. My body goes limp as I feel myself beginning to feel unnaturally light, as if Kai is sucking the life out of me. Suddenly the strings supporting my limp body disappear and I collapse onto the ground. Kai wipes his mouth, a devilish glint in his hazel eyes. The ground is suddenly covered in a strange wash of colours.

"Very interesting." He says as his name is drawn onto the ground.

"What the fuck did you do?!" I hiss at him as I get back on my feet.

"I simply stole your quirk."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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