•29: Unsaid Words•

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I run down the stadium halls, eager to get back to my classmates. Aizawa had left me to join the audience as he went back to the announcer room.

'I wonder whose battle is happening, right now.' I think as I hurry towards the audience seats. I quirk an eyebrow in slight confusion at how silent the stadium is. 'Whoever's fighting, it must be intense.' "It's your power, isn't it?!" I can hear Midoriya's voice reverberate through the stadium as I exit the hall and enter the audience. I look around to see everyone watching intensely on the edges of their seats.

My eyes widen as a wave of hot air suddenly erupts from the arena. A flash of fire flares up, casting a warm glow on the audience. "Th-This is!" Present Mic sputters out in surprise. "Todoroki's fire?!"

I run down to the edge of audience balcony, my eyes landing on the two boys- Shoto and Midoriya. 'He used his left side!' I remark in shock.

"SHOTO!" I hear a familiar voice bellow from the other side of the crowd. My eyes narrow as they land on Endeavor, Shoto's asshole of a father. "With my blood, you will surpass me! You will fulfill my desire!" He shouts.

"Eh?" Present Mic says in confusion. "Endeavor suddenly shouts words of encouragement to his son?"

'They weren't words of encouragement. They were words of self-satisfaction.' My grip on the metal rails of the balcony tighten. "SHOTO!" I shout out, though I can't tell if he heard me from so far away. "DO YOUR BEST!"

"His classmates cheer him on too!" Present Mic comments.

"Don't you think they're going a bit overboard?!" Mina whisper-shouts to me in concern as Todoroki and Midoriya passionately go at each other at full-force.

Almost as if to reply to Mina's question, Cementoss begins to construct walls between the two. Midnight releases her quirk as well.

The stadium shakes as both Shoto and Midoriya hit the walls, the concrete exploding into smithereens. A huge blast of wind strikes the audience and I wince. Exclamations of awe and disbelief fill the crowd.

As the wind settles, Present Mic mutters, "What the heck is up with your class?"

"The air that was cool was suddenly heated and expanded." Aizawa explains into the mic.

"Jeez, I can't see a thing! Who won the match?" Present Mic asks.

The dust and debris clear and we all let out a gasp. Midoriya who seems in horrible shape has been thrown all the way to the wall of the stadium. "M-Midoriya is out of bounds!" Midnight declares. "Todoroki advances to the next round!" She announces, waving her whip towards Shoto whose uniform's left side is burnt up and tarnished.

As the medical robots place Midoriya on a stretcher and wheel him away, Ochako, Iida, Tsu, and Mineta stand up from their seats. "We should go check if they're okay!" Ochako says, worry creasing her brow.

I nod and we run down from the audience seats. As we reach a fork in the hallway I turn to the others. "Go check on Midoriya. I'm going to see how Shoto's doing." I say, concern lacing my voice as the others run off.

'Just what could have made Shoto use his left side?' I wonder as I run down the hall.

I spot Shoto passing by Endeavor in the distance my shoes squeak against the floor as I speed up to catch up to him. I glare at the number two hero as I pass him, he glares back.

"Shoto! Wait up!" I call out as he stops in front of one of the infirmaries. His eyes are dull and his face is numb. 'He looks exhausted.' I note as I open the infirmary door for him.

Recovery Girl greets us as she gestures to a new PE uniform for Shoto folded neatly on the bed. "I'll be back to give you a check up." She says as she leaves us. We sit down on the thin, white bedsheets of the infirmary bed. The door swings shut, closing us in with silence.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. He doesn't look at me, his eyes glazed over at they gaze down at his left hand, his palm facing up to him.

He gives me a shrug and I frown. "For someone who always tells me to ask for help when I need it, you sure are staying quiet." I mutter half-jokingly. I let a long moment of silence pass as I wait for his respone. I let out a sigh.

Without thinking, I place my hand in his, interlocking our fingers. "Your hand is so warm." I mumble and he looks up at me with his eyes slightly widened. "S-Sorry! I wasn't thinking!" I release my grip on his hand, but he quickly tightens his.

"Thanks." He says.

"Thanks? For what?" I ask.

"I heard you cheering for me in the crowd. I don't know what happened back there. For a moment, I forgot about my father. When you called out my name, it made me feel different, like I was more than just my father." He gives me a smile that sends a wave of butterflies rapidly fluttering about as if they were on caffeine. "I guess I should thank Midoriya, too. If he hadn't said what he said, I would never have remembered why I'm here. I'm here because I want to be a hero. Someone who can protect my siblings and my mom. I guess I'll need to pull my full weight if I want to make it, not just half."

"I'm sure your mom would be proud." I respond softly.

His eyes soften. "My mom...I haven't talked to her in years."

"Do you want to?" I ask him and he nods.

"I think..." He hums thoughtfully. "I think I should try. Maybe then, I can reach some kind of resolution."

We smile at each other, simply gazing into each other's eyes for a second. The second stretches into a minute as I become aware of the lack of space between us, but I don't want to move. His eyes flicker downward for a split second before picking up to meet mine again. My eyes dip down as well, tracing the edge of his scar and the tip of his nose before falling onto his lips. 'What are you thinking?!' I scold myself as heat rushes to my cheeks. I avert my eyes downward and I realized he's basically half-naked as my gaze meets his chiselled chest, muscles built up from training.

"You're red again." He chuckles.

I'm sure my face matches his hair at this point. "P-Put on a shirt, please!" I say, backing up. I grab the neatly folded uniform on laying on the bed and shove it into his hands.

"Do you want me to?" He asks.

"W-What kind of question is that?!" I stammer.

His face remains stoic, but his voice comes out teasingly. "I just thought you were staring for quite a while."

My already hot face rises in temperature once more. "S-Shut up and get changed!" I sputter out and turn to face away while he undresses. "Tell me when I can look."

"You can look." He responds suspiciously quickly.

"Alread- AH!" I slap my hands over my eyes as I turn around to meet his bare torso. "I said when I can look!" I hiss out flusterdly.

"You can look, I don't mind." He responds as he continues to slip into his new PE shirt.

"How can you say that so casually?!" I exclaim as I lower my hands from my face and slap him lightly across his chest.

He grabs my hand, keeping it resting on the center of his chest. I blush as I feel his heart beating underneath his- thankfully new, shirt. "Because I feel comfortable around you." He responds, gazing dead into my eyes once again though the tips of his ears blush a bright pink. "Do I make you uncomfortable?"

My eyes widen. "No! Of course not, it's just..." 'I like you.' I finish in my head, but I can't seem to get the words out of my mouth. My eyes flicker from his down to his soft, rosy lips. "I-I just..." I stammer as I tear my eyes away only to see his eyes on my own lips. I gulp and I see him do the same, his adam's apple bobbing up and down from nervousness. 'I just really really like you.'

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