•5- Caught•

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I try to draw something abstract today. I sit in front of the wall under an overhead road. I can hear the sounds of the cars passing over the road above me as I inspect the blank, concrete support block holding the road up. I breathe in and out, focussing on my feelings as I imagine blotches of white here and there. I add dashes of blue near the bottom and choose a nice, warm red that pops from the cool colours. I open my eyes and realize it resembles a familiar peppermint head.

I frustratedly groan. 'Why can't I stop thinking about him?' His words from last night echo in my mind. 'What did he mean?'

A hand rests on my shoulder, making me jump in surprise. I turn to face the very boy I can't seem to get out of my head. "Speak of the devil." I mutter. 'Or rather, think of the devil.'

He sighs. "When are you going to stop vandalizing?"

As he stands next to my illustration, I notice just how similar they look. Although the abstract artwork I created isn't in any particular shape, it resembles the boy with shocking accuracy.
He follows my gaze and stares at my illustration on the wall. "Is this me?"

"N-No! It's just an abstract piece. I was just putting whatever came to my mind." I reply hastily. "N-Not that you were on my mind, because that isn't you!"

He stares at me with a confused expression. "Okay...?"

Thank goodness for the fox mask covering my face. My cheeks feel as if they're a million degrees, and I bet I'm as red as the scarlet half of his hair.
When I calm down, I notice his clothing. He's now sporting a grey uniform jacket with turquoise accents, a dress shirt with a red tie, and dress pants. He's also carrying a brown side bag.

"Are you going to school?" I ask him.

He nods. "I was on my way there when I saw you breaking the law again."

"Let's call it creative expression." I mutter. "Isn't UA that way, though?" I point down the road and to the left. Most houses and neighbourhoods are farther west. The only houses here are the expensive, traditional-style ones for the rich.

He nods before pointing behind him. "I came from that way."

'But that's...' "In the rich neighbourhood?!" I exclaim. "Sorry, it's just the homes are ridiculously expensive over there. Well, I guess you can afford it since your dad is the number two hero." I mumble the last bit.

He chuckles a bit at my reaction before shrugging. He glances at the watch on his wrist. "I have to go. I'll be late."

I nod. "Have fun playing hero." I say as he walks off.

I watch as his form crosses the street and disappears around the corner. I turn my attention back to the illustration I made. I sigh before deciding to leave it. 'It's not that bad.' I think as I examine it. A small smile creeps onto my lips. 'Yeah, I'll keep it.' I sign the bottom righthand corner with my signature and walk away.

I limp down the sidewalk taking in a breath of fresh air. 'Thankfully, I'll be getting the cast removed next month. I don't want to hobble around any longer.' I think to myself as I continue down the street.

'It's awfully empty today.' I think. Barely any cars have passed by and most people would be at school or work. I frown thinking about school. It has been a year since I've stepped foot into a real classroom or school building. I left before graduation, so I didn't even get to say bye to all my middle school friends.

I kick a stone with the tip of my cast on the sidewalk. It skitters across the cement before rolling to the road. A car drives by, rolling over the stone. Trampling it. I turn the corner into an empty park. I sit down on the swing. 'Why do I feel so melancholy today?' I ask myself with a chuckle. I gently push myself on the swing as I take off my mask. A fresh breeze hits my now exposed face. The refreshing feeling puts a smile on my lips.

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