•2- Slip of Trouble•

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The early morning breeze feels warm and inviting as it rifles through my short, choppy, locks of hair. I listen to the music drifting through the streets from nearby stores, cars driving by, chatter from passerbys, the chirps of the birds, and low hums of insects. 

I turn the corner into an alleyway and jump up to the roof I was on yesterday, grabbing the eaves of the roof and pulling myself up. I turn around to face the grand, blank brick wall that I failed to fill yesterday. I close my eyes and feel the emotions flow through my heart, soul, mind, and eventually reach the brick wall. I paint the image in my mind, a fox with the shadow of a small rabbit. I picture the detail in the fox's soft fur with strokes of gold in between the coppery red. It's eyes are large and circular, like that of a rabbit; while the rabbit's shadow sports narrow and sharp eyes, like that of a fox. I open my eyes to see an exact replica of what I had imagined on the wall. I crack a small smile, proud of my work. I sign the bottom right hand corner with my mark, "RIN".

I sigh to myself as my fingers brush a couple yen bills in my pocket, reminding me I have to go grocery shopping before I starve. I run across the roof and leap to the next one over. Forgetting it had rained last night, my foot slips on the wet shingles of the angular roof. Cursing colourfully under my breath, I wave my arms around frantically trying to catch my balance. I stumble over my feet and roll an ankle. I wince painfully, however I manage to regain my footing on the slippery roof.
'For fuck's sake!' I swear as I limp across the roof. I hop down from the low roof and onto the sidewalk, biting my lip in pain at the contact with the concrete pathway. 'The grocery shop is right there. If I can limp over, I can grab some painkillers and maybe a brace for my ankle or something.' I tell myself.

I manage to limp across the street and enter the shop. 'Thank goodness it's pretty empty today.' I think as I make a beeline straight towards the pharmaceutical isle. I try to ignore the pulsing pain radiating from my ankle as I search for an ankle brace and painkillers. Suddenly, I hear a couple shouts and yells of surprise followed by footsteps. I limp over to the end of the isle to peek at the rest of the store.

"Nobody move!" A man dressed in a messy dress shirt and dress pants shouts. His hand glows a bright scarlet and so do the floating knives surrounding him.

Despite the man's wishes, all of the store's customers run out of the building as quickly as they can, leaving it empty- other than the cashier, the man, and me. I curse my ankle as I retreat back into the isle, attempting to hide behind the shelves.
A knife flies by my face and hits the wall in front of me, barely grazing my mask. I turn to face the man whose expression seems that of someone who has a few screws loose. He appears to be controlling those knives through some form of telekinesis.

"Do you need something?" I ask him, more annoyed than fearful. He was the very thing that could annoy me more than anything else- a weakling acting strong.

He scoffs. "Empty your pockets."

I roll my eyes, but he can't tell because of the fox mask covering my face. "That's going to take a while." I point to my cargo pants lined with pockets, my hoodie, and jacket.

"Do it!" He orders as another knife shoots towards me, stopping inches from my face.

"Hah?" I click my tongue. "Did you never grow out of middle school? Still bullying kids for lunch money, eh?"

He frowns. "This is a robbery, you brat. Empty your pockets or die." The knife begins to shake threateningly.

'If this is a robbery, he can't afford witnesses. I'll be killed even if I do empty my pockets.' I remark. I let out a hysterical laugh. "Die?" I probably sound nuts to anyone listening, but I can't help but to let out a chuckle. "I have nothing to lose! You want my 10,000 yen? I have nothing else to offer." I bluff as I say the ridiculous amount of money I don't have and close my eyes, imagining the yen bills laying on the ground before the man. I take my mere 2500 yen out of my pocket, pretending to throw it towards him, but it never leaves my fist.
He instinctively looks down to where the money would have landed and his eyes meet the fake bills.

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