•8: I'm Rin•

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Knock, knock.

I'm awakened by the sound of someone at the door. I pull the soft, warm covers up to my chin, refusing to open my eyes. 'Who could even be at my door?' I peel open my eyes to see an umfamiliar room bathed in the early morning glow of the sun.

"Get up. You'll be late for school." I hear Aizawa say through the door. 'Oh, that's right.' I come back to my senses as I fully wake up.

"I'll be down soon." I reply and I stand up to stretch.

"Your uniform is in the bathroom." He states before I hear the fading sounds of his footsteps retreating from my door.

'Uniform, huh...' I recall Todoroki in his grey jacket and white button up. 'I wonder what the girls' uniforms look like.' I think as I open my door and walk down the hall to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and flick on the lightswitch. My eyes meet the neatly folded clothes on the marble counter. I freshen up before picking up the clothes. I quickly slip them on and examine my reflection in the mirror.

A girl stares back at me with golden brown sugar orbs. Her usually messy, short and choppy, black hair brushed. Her face is bright from a good night's rest and holds a slightly surprised look. She wears her white button-up shirt tucked into a black skirt with a grey jacket on top. It takes a moment for me to realize that this girl is me. I frown at how neat and polished I appear. I tug at the red tie around my collar, similar to the one on my former middle school's uniform. I pull it off and place it gently back down on the counter. I unbutton the very top button of the dress shirt, leaving me with more room to breathe. I quickly dash to my room and back with my fox mask in my hands. I exhale comfortably as a much more familiar face peers back at me. I give my reflection one last look before leaving the bathroom an heading downstairs.

"Good morning." Aizawa greets at the breakfast table.

The aroma of warm toast drifts through the air as I approach. I sit down at an empty chair in front of a plate of toast with jam. "Good morning." I reply, placing my fox mask on the table and picking up the toast with my hands.

The golden bread crunches satisfyingly as I take a bite. The sweet flavour of the sticky, pink jam spreads through my mouth.

"Ready for today?" The black-haired man asks me as he takes a sip from his mug of coffee.

"Ready or not, I'm going soon." I mutter as I continue to nibble on a strawberry piece from the jam.

He closes his eyes with a small chuckle. "Just don't cause too much trouble on the first day. I have enough kids who do that already." He mumbles the last bit.

'Jeez, how problemsome is this class?' I wonder as I finish my breakfast. Aizawa takes the plate from me and dumps it in the sink.

"If you're ready, let's go." He says and walks towards the front door.

I follow him and slip on my shoes before he shuts and locks the door behind me. He opens the car door for me and I get in, before he does the same.

The car rumbles to life as the keys are thrusted into the ignition. We pull out of the driveway and start on our ride to UA.

I stare out the car window, focussing on the scenery passing by. The city and sidewalk I've walked along zooms past much quicker in this car than when I strolled on foot. The trees flash by, their pink sakura petals falling gently towards the ground. I recognize the blurrs of greys, browns, and greens as the many buildings and structures I've walked by before. My own fox mask gleams in the reflection of the window. I frown, already missing my freedom.

"By the way, when are you getting that cast off?" Aizawa asks as we stop at a red light.

"In a little over half a month." I mumble in response. "It's annoying. I can't run around that well."

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