•23: Guilt•

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The count down goes off and everyone scrambles through the tunnel. The tight tunnel restricts us all from passing through as we all scramble to escape first. I struggle as I'm squished between people in the tight space. A sudden rush of cold air fills the tunnel and I look back to see a rush of ice speeding towards my feet. I quickly jump, holidng myself up by the shoulders of the people around me. A sheet of crystalline ice covers the ground, encasing competitors' ankles. I spot a red and white head of hair wriggling past the crowd and out of the tunnel. I quickly let myself down from the shoulders of the two people next to me, ignoring their protests as they tried to push me off.

I quickly squirm through the crowd and make it out the tunnel slightly behind a few of my classmates that were able to fly over the ice. I spot Todoroki in the lead a few meters away and I quickly sprint over the ice to catch up to him, keeping my balance as to not slip on the ice.

Suddenly, a montrous, robotic groan fills the air. I look up to see three, ginormous, green robots. "Targets found." They say in their robot voice.

"Time for the first obstacle! Robo Inferno!" Present Mic's voice echoes from the stadium as more of them begin to show up.

"Aren't those the zero-pointers from the entrance exam?!" Kaminari exclaims.

'They had to fight these?!' I think as I stare up at the red lights on the towering robots' "faces".

Another blast of icy wind chills the air as Todoroki freezes most of the robots in place. 'Holy crap!' I remak in awe at the sight of shimmering ice encasing the robots almost like a sculpture. 'I didn't know he was that powerful.' Todoroki quickly runs past the robots, leaving the rest of us in the dust.

"We can get through the legs!" Someone shouts out.

'No, they're off balance.' I notice as I examine them. 'They're going to fall.' I think as I begin to sprint as fast as I can. The robots let out a metallic groan as they begin to teeter forwards.

"It's falling!" I hear people shouting from behind me.

Gravity takes control of the giant bot as it begins to crash down over me. I make use of Todoroki's ice and quickly slide under the robot, the surface of its base just barely grazing my hair as it falls forward.

I quickly get up and spot Bakugo flying over the robots, using the force of his explosions to propel him through the air. He lands a little bit ahead of me and I pick up the pace, trying to catch up to the both of them.

I freeze in my tracks when we come to a last canyon with thin rops connecting pillars. I peer down the edge of the cliff and can't see the bottom. 

"If you fall, you're out! If you don't want to fall, then crawl! It's 'The Fall'!" Present Mic exclaims as Todoroki uses his ice to glide across the tight-ropes. Bakugo following close behind.

I feel a small smile creep onto my lips. 'Now this looks fun.' I think as I step on the strained rope. I quickly run across, trying to keep my balance as if I were tightroping between buildings as I did when running around the city. I feel myself veer slightly off of the rope and let myself fall off. I smirk as the familiar rush of adrenaline pumps through my veins. I grab ahold of the rope with my hand and swing myself up, using the momentum to throw myself to the next platform.

"Woah!" I here Present Mic announce. "Rin Utano's agility is unmatched as she used pure physical ability to make it across!" 

I quickly find the next rope and do the same, following close behind Todoroki and Bakugo. 'Almost there!' I think as I jump from the rope to the ledge of the cliff, pulling myself up. 'Before I go on,' I think as I turn to face the vast canyon I had crossed. 'I can have a bit of fun.' I close my eyes and paint over some of the platforms and ropes to camoflauge, sending a wave of confusion through the other competitors.

"Rin uses her chromokinesis quirk to colour over the obstacle course, creating optical illusions to slow the other competitors!" Present Mic enthusiastically explains. "Eraser Head, what are you feeding her?!" He jokes.

"Stay out of the way, stupid vandal!" Bakugo snaps at me as I catch up to him.

"Whatever, pomeranian." I snicker as I speed up and leave him behind.

"HEY!" He barks and catches up to me.

I spot Todoroki stop a few meters in front of us. "We've made it to the final obstacle!" Present Mic announces. "A minefield!"

"Sounds like they modelled part of the course after you." I joke as Bakugo and I catch up.

"Shut up!" He snarls. "Did you always talk this much? Annoying ass vandal."

"You can see the mines if you look carefully, so use your eyes and legs!" Present Mic explains. "These landmines are for games, so they aren't strong enough to hurt anyone, but they're loud and flashy enough to wet your pants!" 

"An obstacle that puts those in the lead at a disadvantage." I think aloud as Bakugo takes over, flying over the field using his explosions.

'You're falling behind.' I think as I run through the minefield, watching my step. 'This is way easier than avoiding loose shingles in rooves.' I remark as I spot Todoroki and Bakugo starting to fight each other as they scramble for the lead.

I smirk as I veer off to the right, avoiding them completely. "Looks like Todoroki and Bakugo were so distracted that they didn't notice Rin taking first place!" Present Mic completely blows any stealth I had as I catch Bakugo and Todoroki's gaze snap over to me. I feel a smile creeping up on my face. 'Does a weakling really deserve this much fun?' I think as I see the end within reach.

Suddenly, a booming explosion fills the air as I spot Midoriya fly past Todoroki and Bakugo, getting ahead of me.

"Woah! Midoriya flies ahead of the competition and clears the minefield in an instant!" Present Mic shouts.

I cough and wave away the pink smoke Midoriya left behind as I spot Todoroki and Bakugo following closely behind the broccoli-haired boy. I sprint as fast as I can towards the finish line. 'You're so close!'

"Eraser Head, your class is amazing! What are you teaching them?" Present Mic asks.

"I didn't do anything. They're all getting fired up on their own." Aizawa states. The roaring of the crowd blows me away as I enter back into the center of the stadium in fourth place after Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo.

I heave and pant as I catch my breath as the others make it through to the end. 'That was the most fun I've had in a while.' I look up and catch Todoroki's gaze, my golden-brown eyes meeting his grey and turqoise ones. He quickly averts his eyes.

I feel the guilt I had pushed away for a moment return. 'I really need to apologize.' Just as I am about to make my way towards him, Mina calls me.

"Rin! You were so fast!" She says. "You looked so cool and like you were having fun!"

"Yeah." I respond dismissively as she begins to talk with Jirou and Yaoyorozu. I walk over to Todoroki.


"Alright everyone!" Midnight exclaims to grab our attentions, cutting me off before I can speak my piece to the bi-haired boy. 

I sigh, starting to get a little anxious. I feel as if the guilt weighing down upon me is only worsening as every minute where I don't apologize passes. A sudden wave of fear washes over me as a horrible thought comes to mind. 'Am I going to lose him like this?'

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