•6- Opportunity of a Lifetime•

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The room is filled with it. I slouch in my seat and sigh. 'I can't believe it! My freedom just vanished. I wasn't careful enough, and got myself arrested.' I glance around the empty, grey room I'm currently in. The only things inside this room are the uncomfortable metal chairs, the steel table, and me.

My fox mask resting on the table shines under the bright, white lights. I shift in my seat as I wait for someone to come in. I rest my head on the cool surface of the table. I'm not exactly the most patient person in the world.

'How boring.' I think as I start to play with the silver handcuffs around my wrists. 'Maybe I'll try that trick Dabi taught me.' I think. I begin to move the cuffs together in random motions, causing the chain to twist and tangle.
I then pull my hands apart as hard as I can to snap the tangled chain.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A familiar voice says from the doorway.

I look over my shoulder to see the officer who arrested me, standing by the now open door. He shuts it behind himself and locks it with a key. He brings a tan coloured folder filled with papers and sets it down on the table. The sound of metal scratching against metal fills the room as he pulls out the chair in front of me. He sits down and crosses his arms.

"Let's start with your name." He suggests. "My name is Officer Osaro."

"I'm Yui Sakuya." I state some fake name that came to mind.

"Lie." He replies with a smile. "My quirk is Lie Detector. I can immediately tell if someone is lying to me. I suggest you tell the truth and cooperate."

I glare at him. 'How annoying.' "Fine, the name is Saki Oyaharu."


"Gou Ayeno."


I lean back in my seat and decide to test something. "Rin." I say.

"That is the name you sign all of your illustrations with." He responds. "My quirk tells me that's not your real name." He sighs. "I thought you would cooperate at least a little." He states before opening the folder and taking out the first form. It's a medical record from the hospital I visited last week. "It's says you're Rini Utano."

I frown, nodding my head.

"A sprained ankle?" He asks and glances down under the table to see my cast.

"Lovely." He mutters as he pulls out several photos of my works from the folder. There are five photos of my most recent pieces and one of an illustration done a while ago. I scowl at that one. The face of my mother, Mirroress stares back at me with blacked out eyes and the words "fake" written.

"You're very talented." He says. "These are all very nice illegal artworks."

"Thanks." I grumble.

He turns his attention back to the folder and frowns, his eyes widening a bit. "You've been missing for almost a year."

I nod, biting my lip. "I ran away."

"Your mom is also missing-"

"And so is my dad, blah blah blah." I snap, cutting him off. I didn't expect to get so worked up at the mention of my parents.

"Your father was the former police chief, correct?" He furrows his brows.

I nod.

"Ah, I see." I cock an eyebrow at his response.

"You see what?" I question.

"You went missing around February to March. Your dad was found a few months later in May." He states.

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