•34: Found You•

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Relief washes over me as I look up to see Shoto's familiar peppermint hair. He pulls me into his chest protectively, glaring coldly at Kai.

"She said no."


I almost can feel the anger radiating off of Shoto like heat coming off a burning stove. "Wait, we can't make a scene." I whisper to him.

Shoto and I both glare at Kai who lets out a light-hearted laugh. "Don't worry. I'm her boyfriend. We just had a bit of an argument."

"Oh, that's funny." Shoto replies in a tone that suggests it isn't funny at all. "Because last time I checked, I am her boyfriend."

My head snaps back towards Shoto in surprise, my heart skipping a beat at his words. "Sho-"

My eyes go wide as he cuts me off with a kiss. The grooves of our plastic mask fit together smoothly as if they were designed for this. His soft lips press against mine, setting off millions of nerves in my body like a jolt of electricity. My shock quickly melts away as I tilt my jaw to kiss him back. Everything that I've wanted to say since the Sports Festival pours out like water spouting out of a bursting dam as Kai and the banquet take a backseat in my mind. Shoto suddenly pulls away before I can savour the kiss any longer.

"He's gone." He says to me indifferently. I look back to see that Kai had, in fact, left.

Disappointment fills me as I realize Shoto was just trying to save me from that creep. "Oh."

I notice Shoto's expression change quizzically as he glances back at me, but I interrupt him before he can ask. "So, have you gathered any intel, yet?" I ask, changing the subject.

He shakes his head. "Everyone I've talked to seems to be more interested in me than the banquet." He mutters.

I chuckle. "Who wouldn't." 'I mean, I certaintly would be.'

"What about you?" Shoto asks me.

"I found out quite a bit, but still no signs of my mom." I respond. "Let's go find the teachers and inform them." I say as I begin to walk off, but Shoto stops me, grabbing my wrist. I look over at him with a confused look and he gesture towards the side of the mask.

"Ah, right!" I say as I tap on the earpiece. "Hello? Aizawa?"

Aizawa's staticky voice responds, "Rin? What is it?"

"I found out that this banquet is an annual thing and Kai's- err, a group of villains seperate from the League is hosting. They're cooperating with the League, but their relationship doesn't seem to be too deep. Also, the 'test' is some method of recruiting new members for the League." I add, recalling the intel I got from Dabi. "The League is definitely here, too. Dabi recognized me, but I fed him the story about the Red Fox gang. He told me to get out, apparently, the test will be very dangerous."

"Got it." Aizawa replies. "Students, lets slowly start making our way out before this test begins. Leave from the nearest exit and wait near the limos. Present Mic, notify me when all the students are out. If the test really is dangerous, we don't want to get caught up in it." He states. "Midnight, please begin evacuation plan A."

"On it." Midnight and Present Mic's voices chime in before the white noise frm the other people cuts out. I double tap my own earpiece to turn off my own microphone.

"You heard them, let's go." I say, turning to Shoto. "Do you think this goes outisde?" I whisper to him as I point to the small, metal door behind us.

Shoto pushes on the door, but it doesn't budge. "I think we have to go around to the main enterance." My eyes follows his as we spot Bakugo, Kirishima, and Mina slipping out through the front doors. 'There's no way we can just run over there without attracting any attention.' I look around for a better route. 'Cutting through the dance floor would be the quickest, but there's no doubt we'd attract some glances if we ran through there.'

As if Shoto had read my mind, he grabs ahold of my hand, spinning me around and onto the dance floor. My heart thumps in slight surprise at the sudden movement and also the fact that I am now slow dancing with the peppermint head.

'Stop, stop stop! You have bigger things to worry about than your little crush.' I scold myself as Shoto and I carefully coordinate our steps to dance our way to the exit.

"Ah-" Someone bumps into me, pushing me into Shoto. I look back to see another pair of dancers glaring at us.

"Watch your step." The woman snaps at me as they waltz away.

"Geez." I bitterly mutter. 'They were the one who bumped into me.' I note. "Sorry." I sheepishly apologize to Shoto as I glance up to look at him.

He isn't looking at me and instead has his face turned away to his right as we dance. The tips of his ears are burning a bright red bashfully. He gulps, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. No matter how stoic his expression and voice may be, it's undeniable that he's flustered.

"A-Are you okay?" He asks, quickly recovering from his stutter.

I let out a small giggle. "Yeah." I respond as I look towards the exit. "We're almost off the dance floor." I say to him as we try to squeeze past the crowd of dancers.

We close the distancec between our bodies as we squeeze by. The scent of whatever cologne he's wearing drifts into my nostrils as I breathe. I can feel the beating of his heart against my chest. 'Oh no, there's no doubt that he can feel my heartbeat, too.' I think embarrassedly as I try to calm my racing heart, but it only gets quicker with that thought.

We both let out a great exhale as we make it off the dance floor, letting go of each other. "Finally" I mumble in relief. 'I would've had a heart attack if that lasted any longer.' We briskly walk towards the front doors, the exit only a few steps away, when all of the lights dim.

We look back to see a very bright light shines down on the grand staircase. A man with messy, pale blue hair and ashy skin steps onto the landing of the stairs, leaning against the banister. A slightly taller man with long black hair that looks to be in his late twenties stands next to him.

"Good evening, everyone!" The man with dark hair says. "Let me introduce myself," he starts. "You can all call me Sen. My group and I will be your hosts for tonight."

Four people step up to stand a little behind Sen. Kai stands next to a lady wearing a red dress with a gold embroidered float along pattern and fan. 'Carnal.' Someone who looks almost identical to Carnal with white hair and a similar blue dress stands next to her. The fourth person also seems familiar.
She seems middle-aged, but still has an elegance to her. She has long, stark white hair that flows down the back of her sparkling, black dress. Her eyes are a familiar warm, golden brown, but they hold a cold, empty look.

My eyes widen and my heart drops as I stare at the woman's face.
Midoriya's voice chimes into the earpiece as soon as the realization dawns on me.
"Isn't that Mirroress?"

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