•1- Heroes my ass•

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I feel the hard, shingles under me as I land on top of the roof of a small shop. I roll to distribute the force before dusting off my beige cargo pants and getting up. I look up to the random, small-time hero agency whose window ledge I had just jumped off from. I admire my work as the bright, almost neon image of a fox mask shines against the glassy surface of the window. I grab my fox mask off my face and compare it to the image. 'Close enough.' I think with a shrug.

I slide the mask over my face once again before jumping to the next building over. I hear my sneakers land safetly on that roof with a soft thud. I stare at the large, red brick wall in front of me. 'Perfect.' I think as I close my eyes. I activate my quirk, imagining a gloomy face holding a smiling mask. I imagine the vibrant colours on every inch of the space. I open my eyes to see the exact image on the large, brick wall- is what I would say. However, I hadn't focussed enough on the space where an eye should be. A random scribble that loosely resembles a peanut rather than an eye is painted against the wall. "Argh!" I shout out in frustration. 'If I don't fully concentrate, I won't be able to make anything!' I scold myself. I swipe my hand in front of the image and it disappears as if I had wiped a whiteboard clean.

I feel a dull ache at my temples. 'I'm already at my limit.' I think with a sigh. I decide to leave this wall blank for tomorrow. I had already stained three buildings today and the first two were technically three illustrations each, since I had made them into short animations. Although they were very simple; one of a girl's hair waving in the wind, the other of a rabbit hopping in circles, and the last of a flower wilting.

I hop down from the roof and onto the sidewalk. I casually stroll down the sunset-stained street, ignoring the stares from people wondering why there's such an oddly dressed teenager wandering the streets alone.
"Is there a festival going on?" I hear a woman say to her friend as they pass by me.

'Nope.' I reply mentally as I turn the corner into a vacant parking lot. The walls of the parking lot are littered with random illustrations of flowers, people, oceans, and more. At the corner of each wall, the red letters: "RIN" are painted- my trademark.

I head towards the back of the building where a small door stands. I take out a small, silver key from the pocket of my hoodie and insert it into the door lock. It opens with a click. "I'm home!" I shout into the small, empty flat. Silence greets me as usual. I slam the door shut behind me and I flop onto my makeshift bed made of an old mattress and a couple blankets.

"Boo!" A sudden voice causes me to jump up. I look up to see a tall man with messy, raven hair and patches of burnt skin sitting on my worn out couch.

"Dabi! You scared the living daylights out of me!" I snap at him as I sit up on the mattress. "Care to say 'Welcome back!' when I get here?"

"It's not like this is my house anyways." Dabi replies. He throws a plastic bag at me with something inside. I catch it and open it up to see takeout from the Chinese restaurant down the street.

"Yay!" I exclaim as I open it up. The fried rice and sesame chicken is still warm and smells heavenly. "Thanks!" I grab a pair of chopsticks from the plastic bag and dig in.

"No problem, Rini." He teases and I choke on my rice.

"Call me Rin!" I sputter.

"But Rini's your name." He snarkily replies.

"It is, but it means little bunny. I'm not some weak little bunny." I snap while taking my fox mask off and placing it next to my bed.

"Whatever you say, Rini." He responds while staring at his phone. "Hey, you're already on the news. Vandalized a hero agency, eh?" He shows me the article on his phone. There, a picture of the fox mask I painted across the window gleams from the screen, however the glare from the setting sun makes the illustration almost impossible to see.

"That picture isn't doing my work justice..." I mumble as I stab a chopstick into the chicken.

He chuckles. "This isn't too far away from here. If you're not careful, the police will be on your tail." He warns. "Why don't you come stay at the villains' base? It's a lot safer." He asks.

"I told you, I'm not a villain. I can't stay with you guys." I state.

He shrugs, getting up from the couch. "I need to get going. The boss says I need to stop disappearing. Catch ya later!" I watch as he walks through my door and leaves.

I sigh as I finish my food. Dabi is the only friend I have. After running away from home last year, I would totally be dead by now without him. He said he sympathized with my little fourteen-year old self, alone on the streets.

The sun had now completely disappeared over the horizon, leaving a dark, cloudy night sky behind it. A bright light flashes through my flat's window, followed by the rolling of thunder.

I gulp. I hate thunderstorms. I quickly get changed into a t-shirt and shorts before jumping into bed. I try to fall asleep, ignoring the rain pounding against the glass and thunder rolling like crashing waves outside.

Screams filled the house. The walls were adorned with scratches, and pools of crimson littered the floor like puddles after the rain.

The thunder clapped and lightning flashed as the rain violently poured down like tears. "Mom!" I cried out. "S-Stop!" I grabbed onto my mother's wrists, prying the knife away from her. "What are you doing?! You're a hero! You're Mirroress! Drop the knife!" I helplessly shouted.

"Shut up! You don't know anything! You don't know me! I'm not your mother! Just die!" She screamed at me hysterically as she activated her quirk. Immediately, five clones of herself appeared around us like mirror images. I refused to let go of the real one, knowing I'd lose track of her if I didn't. She threw me to the ground. Pain radiated through my chest as I was winded. I quickly scrambled to my feet as she slammed the knife down. It pieced deep into the wooden floor where I would've been. I quickly ran out of the house into the storm raging outside. I could feel her chasing after me as I ran through the streets, breathing becoming difficult as I eventually passed out.

I jolt upright in bed, my chest heaving and gasping for air. 'God, that dream again.' I feel anger and spite boil in my veins. 'Hero my ass.' The sun shines through the wet window. Thankfully the storm stopped. I get up and get dressed, sliding my fox mask over my face. I leave the flat, locking the door behind me. I kick a stone into a puddle as I walk out of the parking lot. 'Heroes, what a joke.'

Guess who's back, back again?
I hope you're all doing well! Please stay safe and healthy, especially if any of you are out there fighting for equal rights. ❤️
Please feel free to leave any thoughts/constructive criticism.

(Also I might have a thing for anti-hero main characters. *cough* Rei from my Bakugo fic, Glass *cough*)

-Bora 🌌

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