•20: Heated•

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I pant as I catch my breath, quickly tapping on my phone screen to stop the stopwatch, since Aizawa doesn't have the hands. I lean on the railings of the stairs leading down to the sandy beach.

"Not bad." Aizawa mutters as he takes a look at the time. "Definitely better than two weeks ago when we started training." Ever since Aizawa saw that I was serious about participating in the Sports Festival, he took it upon himself to train me- partially because I can't be left out alone and I have no other guardian figure to help me.

"Your speed and agility are definitely your strong suits," He states. "Likely due to your lifestyle before coming to UA."

"I'd definitely be faster if I wasn't running on sand." I say as I take a big sip from my water bottle.

"Did your bottle always look like that?" Aizawa suddenly points out the many colours and doodles littering my bottle.

"It's not vandalism if it's my own stuff, is it?" I retort, twisting the cap back on. "Plus, I need to practice using my quirk if I'm going to get better."

He sighs. "Have you thought of using paper?"

"But that's boring." I snarkily say. "Drawing on things is way better."

"I can't imagine what your room looks like." He mutters before getting up from the concrete stairs. "We're going home now. It's getting late and you should rest up for the festival tomorrow." He states as I pick up my things and make our way home.

I can barely sit still in the car. 'Tomorrow's the day. The day I can prove that I'm not weak. The day I'll really show that I'm not some weak little bunny. Carnal and my mom were wrong and I can finally get back into the swing of things.' I think to myself. 'Then, I can go after my mom.'

As we enter the house, I quickly go upstairs to take a shower and change. 'I'll need to get lots of sleep if I want to do my best tomorrow.' I think as I slip into a comfortable t-shirt and shorts.

"Rin!" Aizawa calls me as I'm about to dry my hair. I put the dryer down and descend the stairs. "Bad news, kid."

"What is it?" I ask as he puts down the phone. He lets out a sigh and I can tell that whatever news he just received, wasn't good. I gulp in nervousness at his sudden change in demeanor.

"The police called. More specifically, officer Osaro." He says. "First of all, they found out the League of Villains knows something about your mom. Among the villains that were arrested, only one spoke up and said something along the lines of your mom being with Shigaraki- the ring leader of all of this who escaped USJ. Whether than means she's been captured by them or are on their side, we don't know."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she was on their side." I mutter and Aizawa raises an eyebrow. "I ran away from home because she tried to kill me. She's insane and not some Saint-like hero." I hiss out. "That news wasn't too bad." I say, letting out a sigh of relief. "If anything, we just need to track down the League now, right?"

"That wasn't the bad news." He says and I stop. "You're not allowed to participate in the Sports Festival."

"What?!" My jaw drops in shock. "Why not?!" I demand, anger replacing my surprise.

"Apparently there's three main reasons. One- you're not officially part of this school; Two- this event appeals to big companies, corporations, and hero agencies. All places that you've slandered in the past; Three- they can't have a crimminal who's here for reformation participating. They said it will look bad on the school whose reputation has already taken a bit of a toll since USJ." Aizawa explains, letting out an exasperrated sigh. 

The hope I had been so desperately clinging onto had vanished. All my dreams of proving myself shattered. "What the hell?! They want me to participate as much as possible in school, but don't allow me to participate in the only event I'm looking forward to?!" I clench my fists in anger, storming out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Aizawa calls out as I make my way to the front door. "It's pretty late and you're not allowed out by yourself."

"I'm done listening to the stupid police!" I grab my windbreaker off of the coat rack and leave the house, slamming the door behind me. Aizawa doesn't try to stop me, probably knowing there's no point.

I walk down the street, feeling frustrated tears pricking my eyes. 'What the fuck is their problem?! It's not like I'm going to purposefully drag UA's name through the mud by slandering some big time hero at the festival! Do I look like I fucking idiot?!' I angrily shout internally.'How am I going to prove myself now? How will I know?' I feel tears beginning to trickle down my cheeks. 'How will I know I'm not weak?' 

As the long shadows the setting sun cast disappears in the dark and the streetlights begin to flicker to life, I feel myself getting farther and farther from my house. I hastily wipe my tears and sniffle, lift my hood up, the cold air chilling me as my hair is still wet. I look around to see that I'm at least half an hour away from the house. 'The last time I was here, I had my mask.' I think as I mindlessly wander the streets. Thankfully, there aren't too many people out this late compared to the day. I find myself walking to the familiar tunnel under an overhead road. The same tunnel I had made my abstract piece vaguely resembling Todoroki on the day I was arrested. Surprisingly, it's still there on the wall, untouched as if I had made the piece yesterday. I sit down and lean against the wall, doodling small scribbles on the sidewalk as I try to calm down. 

"Rin?" I look up to see Todoroki holding my phone in his hand. I check the pockets of my windbreaker. 'I must've dropped it.'

I heave out a frustrated breath. "Why do you always show up at the worst moments?" I mutter under my breath. "How did you even know I was here?"

"I didn't." He replies. "My house is over there." He points towards the rich neighborhood down the street.

"Oh, right." I mumble.

"Is this yours?" He asks, holding up my phone. I nod and he hands it to me.

I move my legs out of the way so he can walk past. A long moment of silence passes, and he hasn't moved an inch. "What are waiting for? Go home."

"What's wrong?"

I clench my jaw. "Nothing." I state, trying to keep my tone steady. "Don't you have a festival to prepare for?" I hiss.

"So why are you out here alone? You have a festival to prepare for, too." He responds.

I laugh ruefully. "Not anymore."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"The stupid police doesn't want me participating. Apparently it's because I'm not considered an actual student at UA, the people watching are the people I've slandered before, and because I'll tarnish UA's image." I scoff. 

"Is that all that's got you so worked up?" He prods me as if he can see right through me.

"Yes." I lie through my teeth.

He sighs. "Clearly not. Why are you so obviously hiding things? You should ask for help when you need it."

"Have you ever thought that maybe I don't want your help?" I snap. "Why do you always have to come to my rescue? I didn't ask you to." I feel tears starting to well up in my eyes again. "You don't need to constantly remind me that I'm some damsel in distress in need of saving!"

I watch as his adam's apple bobs up and down, his jaw clenches. He clearly he wants to say something.

I fight the urge to break down and sob as a tear threatens to slip from my eye. "Do you feel sorry for me? Is that why you treat me like a charity case?!" My voice begins to grow louder and I begin to shout angrily. I know that I'm being irrational and I'm taking out my anger on him when he doesn't deserve it, but I can't stop my emotions from taking over. "Am I really that weak? So weak that you pity me?"

"I don't fucking pity you!" He shouts back, his left eye and arm slightly smoking, small cinders beginning to fall. My eyes widen, a little taken aback since I've never seen him so upset that his left side burned. "The reason why I've been trying to help you is because," his voice cracks a little as tears brim him eyes to match mine. "I FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOU!"

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