•33: Words of Warning•

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My eyes go wide as I meet the blue eyes of a man with black hair and burnt patches of skin stapled to his face which wears a slightly puzzled expression. Dabi.



Although he isn't wearing his usual raggedy coat and casual clothes, it's undeniable that this is the very man I didn't want to encounter here.

"Sorry? Who's Rin?" I lie to him, deepening my voice a little to try and not sound like myself.

Dabi deadpans at me, obviously not buying my ruse. "Rin, what are you doing here?!" He whisper-shouts at me as we continue dancing as to not draw attention to ourselves.

"I told you, I don't know a Rin." I snap back.

"Rin, I've seen you both with and without your mask and I know what your voice sounds like." He retorts as his grip on my shoulders tighten as we dance. "What are you wearing? Where's your mask? How did you afford this dress?"

"Did you always ask this many questions?!" I hiss at him, my hands going up to his shoulders, copying his grip on me. "I should be asking you, too. What are you doing here?"

"This is the League's event! Well, technically a group that's partnered with the League, anyway." He explains. "It makes more sense that I'm here than you! How did you even find out about this place?"

"I got an invitation." I reply.

He furrows his brows in confusion. "We sent invitations to other organizations and groups. How did you get your hands on one?"

I stay quiet, unsure if I should give my fake alibi about belonging to the Red Foxes or if I should just make something up.

Dabi lets out a sigh. "You need to leave. I have no idea how you even got here, but there's no way I'm letting you stay."

"Why not?!" I demand. 

"This place is for bad people like me." He responds. "You said you'll never be a villain, so you should leave before the testing starts."

"The testing?" I question.

"Didn't you say you had an invitation? The invitation says to be prepared for the test. The test is for recruiting more members. It's not exactly a fun test." He responds.

'Bingo.' I think. 'So far I found out the hosts and what the test is. I just need to ask about my mom...'

"But seriously," He starts again. "What is up with you? I see you briefly for the first time in months, the news thinks you've been arrested, you're clearly not living in your old flat anymore, and now you show up to a secret banquet for villains wearing something that you and I both know you can't afford! What is going on?"

I heavy weight of guilt hangs over me as I realize just how worried Dabi was. "Sorry." I mutter. "I should have told you earlier, but I joined a group called the Red Foxes. We got invited to the banquet." I lie. "I'm living with them now, and they're helping me out."

Dabi lets out a sigh. "At least you're doing okay." He mumbles under his breath. "I'm warning- no, I'm demanding that you and your little group skedaddle, or at least get yourself out of here."

"Bu-" I'm cut off as the song ends and he spins me around, pushing me away.

Two arms catch me and I look up to see Kai's smiling face again. "Woah, there. Hey again, girlie."

"I told you, I'm Rie." I respond to him as I slowly recover from being told off by Dabi.

He chuckles. "Sorry, sorry. Damn, you've got some spunk to you." 

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