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This is not written by me!! I found it on google, but I hope you guys enjoy it 😉


"'Ya ready, Omi-kun?"

Sakusa blanches. " You're calling me that now?"

Osamu chuckles, shrugging his shoulders as he leans against the door frame. "Guess he rubbed off on me. But really. Ready? 'Ya gotta kiss the groom, y'know? It's gonna be fuckin' gross."

He sighs deeply and they both ignore how badly he's trembling.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Good." Osamu says. "Because Tsumu's already cryin' and we haven't even gotten to the walkin' down the aisle part yet. One of ya has to have their shit together out there and God knows it ain't gonna be him."

Sakusa shakes his head as if disappointed, but the fond smile on his face betrays it. "He's hopeless. Go back to your twin. He needs you more than I do."

Osamu nods. He turns around, pauses, and without looking at Sakusa, asks,

"You'll take care of him, won't ya? I'm pretty much entrustin' my whole life to you too, y'know? Ya promise to take care of him?"

There's a long silence after that question, a weighty one that only they would understand, before he answers.

"With my life."

Sakusa watches the way Osamu's hand squeezes the doorknob before he nods slowly. "I'll hold ya to that."

As the door clicks shut, he's left standing in front of the full body mirror.

He takes a moment to give himself a look over. Letting his eyes roam from his carefully styled hair, light makeup, and fancy tux, he's reminded once again, that he's actually getting married.

To Miya fucking Atsumu.

He kind of wanted to laugh and say, who would've fucking thought? But he also kind of thought that maybe, from the moment he first laid his eyes on him all those years ago, he already knew it could never be anyone but him.

Maybe it was having that knowledge, that gut feeling, from the very first time they met, that made everything as terrifying as it was.

Maybe it was just that Sakusa fell too deeply too fast and that was why he tried everything in his power to stop it from happening. And yet even then, nothing could.

God knows he tried.


Sakusa sighs heavily, turning around to face his cousin. "Komori, call me that again and I'll skin you alive."

Komori grins at him, excitedly skipping his way over, and throwing an arm around him.

"You love me." He beams, "And I'm proud of you."

Despite himself, Sakusa can't help but smile. "I do love you, I guess. And I'm proud of me too."

Who would've thought?

Looking back at how it all was back then, who would've fucking thought?

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