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This chapter is pretty long but it is      really good!!!


Sakusa was chosen to join the Japan All Youth Training Camp. His parents are over the fucking moon.

They'd been on his case ever since he and his girlfriend broke up. He couldn't help but feel bad for them. They'd been trying to cheer him up for months when he didn't even need any cheering up.

You know what would cheer him up? Being able to come out without the threat of getting kicked out of his home.

Or maybe like, some new gloves would be nice. Maybe he could tell them to buy him some fancy looking gloves. Black ones instead of white. The power those would hold.

They'd probably give him whatever the fuck he asked for right now with the way they were bragging about him to their snotty rich friends. Maybe he should just come out now while they're at a high.

Like, guys, thanks for all the support, I'm great, aren't I? Top 3 in the nation, that's me! Road to sports scholarship! You proud? You should be. Oh and by the way, I'm gay.

They couldn't get mad at that, could they?

Komori is invited too. So, that's one concern out of the way. At least he'd have one person there who he knew he could tolerate. Hopefully, they have the luxury of choosing their roommates.

The night before he leaves for the training camp, he's forced into another one of their family bonding evenings. His mom started them ever since he'd told them about his breakup. He's not quite sure how this counted as bonding, though.

The TV was on but it was on the news channel, his mom was reading some romance novel, his dad was on his laptop, and he honestly just wanted to go upstairs and take a long, hot shower before packing up.

The last straw is when the news starts talking about a high school senior who'd committed suicide. Apparently, he'd left a note where it implied that he did it because he was gay.

Well, that's very comforting. That sure didn't make him wanna throw up.

Sakusa shoves his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants, hiding the fact that they were starting to tremble.

"Poor kid." His mom sighs, shaking her head, "His parents should've done something about it when he was younger."

"It's much easier to change when you start them young." His dad adds.

Sakusa gulps. "Is that really something you can change?"

"Of course, you can." His dad answers, sounding so sure of himself, that it almost convinces him too. "You can change anything about yourself as long as you work hard enough. Especially, if they're things that aren't good for you."

Sakusa wondered how exactly that worked. What exactly he had to do to... change. He'd already tried everything he could think of.

The journey involved lots of movies, porn, staring at girls to see if there's something, anything, that could make him feel something more.

(It probably made him look like a pervert and it probably freaked some of them out. He's sorry for that.)

Hell, he even dated a girl for a whole year. All that proved was that he couldn't fucking do it.

Girls are pretty. They're cute, they're soft, and they weren't hard on the eyes. He liked looking at them and he liked talking to some of them. But that's all it was and all he felt that it ever could be. He dated a girl for an entire god damn year and yet he couldn't feel for her even half of what he felt for Yamazaki Kento or Tom Holland or fucking...

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