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After years and years of theories and speculation, it looks like our favorite unconfirmed volleyball couple, Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi of The MSBY Black Jackals were caught in the middle of what seemed to be a loving (and steamy) liplock!

It's no secret that Bokuto Koutarou of the MSBY Black Jackals celebrated his 26th birthday last September 20 and had more than one celebration! (Not surprising for someone who's known to be a social butterfly.) His first celebration that was held in B.A.D. made some headlines due to all the familiar faces seen attending the party. (Who knew Bokuto was acquainted with famous Youtuber, Worldwide Kodzuken?)

But it seems his second celebration from the night before has started a media frenzy! Scattered throughout the night, several Instagram stories had been posted on more than one social media account (Hmm... it must've been the alcohol. We're looking at you, Bokuto, Hinata, and Hoshiumi.), exposing a lot of our beloved Olympians in the middle of some very... risque situations. We could go on and on about the Mamma Mia dance party, the questionable hat choices, and the glimpse we got of one of our favorite confirmed couples, Kageyama Tobio of the Schweiden Adlers and Hinata Shoyo of the MSBY Black Jackals, getting steamy on the couch!

But today's headline is focused on what seems to be a confirmation of a romance between who fans lovingly call, SakuAtsu. In the background of several of these Instagram stories, you catch glimpses of the two all over each other, hand-holding, thigh touching, leaning against each other's shoulders, even kissing, you name it!

There may not have been any verbal confirmation but if you've seen those clips, I think anyone would agree that it's a confirmation in itself. If you haven't, here's a fanmade clip compilation very cleverly named, SakuAtsu Making Everyone Feel Single In The Background Of Instagram Stories For 4 Minutes.

It scares Atsumu that Sakusa doesn't even look panicked. He doesn't seem like he's spiraling. He doesn't look scared. The fear in his eyes that Atsumu had gotten so acquainted with, just gone.

He didn't look scared. He just looked defeated.

When he looks up to meet Atsumu's eyes, it's as if he were saying, it's over.

The very last text thread Sakusa opens is from his mother and it's nothing but a curt,

Kiyoomi, we need to talk. We'll be at your apartment in a few hours.

"Omi?" Atsumu manages to say, resting a hand on the small of his back. "Ya good?"

Sakusa's not sure how he's supposed to react. He's not even sure how he feels. It's almost like it just isn't sinking in. He'd known something like this would happen, eventually. But now that the moment's here, he only feels like doing one thing.

He laughs.

He laughs so hard that tears form in the corners of his eyes and Atsumu's looking at him like he's completely lost it. Maybe he has.

"Shit," He swears at the hilarity of it all, wiping away his stray tears, "Hey, Atsumu. You ready for meet the parents?"

If asked to repeat what exactly his parents had said that day, he couldn't tell you for the life of him. He heard once that when something hurts you so deeply, you tend to forget about it, your brain subconsciously making you bury the memory as deep as you possibly can for the sake of survival.

Sakusa isn't sure how much of that is true, but he assumes that's what happened.

Also, to be fair, he zoned out for most of it. The second his parents had stepped into the apartment looking damn near livid, Sakusa had to bite back a laugh. He couldn't seem to stop finding the entire situation to be comedic.

A Lair's Truth (Atsumu x Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now