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"Samu," Atsumu slurs, drunkenly leaning against his brother's side, smushing his cheek against his shoulder, "I ain't bein' unreasonable, am I?"

Osamu's annoyed, as he always is as long as Atsumu is concerned, but he also can't help but empathize.

For someone who's been out for most of his life, it must be really fucking jarring to suddenly have to be back in the closet. If it were up to Atsumu, he'd probably be parading his boyfriend around the streets, holding his hand and kissing him in restaurants, fans and press be damned. Atsumu never did care about all that. The whole reason they both came out so early in life was so they didn't have to do all that.

"I'm happy, I am," Atsumu presses, and it's the hundredth time he's said that tonight, as if trying to convince himself, "I love him, Samu. It's almost insane how much."

"I know." Osamu says. "I know that."

Oh, does he. He's been the victim of more than one late night phone call or impromptu drinking session that's spent listening to his brother rant about how sweet Sakusa Kiyoomi is behind closed doors.

He also knows way more about their preferences in bed than he wished he did.

Osamu firmly believes there are certain boundaries that you do not cross with your twin, no matter how much you tell each other, and Atsumu just completely ignores those boundaries.

Now, he just has the image of Bokuto and Hinata walking in on Sakusa Kiyoomi eating his brother's ass. It's fucking nightmare inducing.

"Samu," Atsumu sniffs sadly, interrupting his train of thought, "I just don't like feelin' like a dirty secret anymore."

That particularly sends a sharp shot of pain through Osamu's chest.

All things considered, Atsumu and Sakusa were out to the fair few people who really mattered. Their team, their coach, their parents, then there was himself and Sunarin. Osamu's pretty sure there were a fair few people in the professional league who knew since the Schweiden Adlers know too, courtesy of Hinata, but not enough people to stir up any type of media frenzy.

But, of course, this is Miya Atsumu we're talking about here.

He overshares. He revels in being in the spotlight. He broadcasts what he eats for lunch on social media and shares shirtless mirror selfies of him in the gym. Osamu can't even imagine what's been going on in his brother's head having to hide such a big part of his life, a part that he's so proud of, from the public for the last three years.

Not to mention the fact that obviously, Sakusa Kiyoomi's parents have no fucking clue. Absolutely no clue about their relationship. Absolutely no clue that their son even likes fucking men.

Osamu honestly thinks it's ridiculous and can't help but feel bad for Sakusa.

I mean, sure, they don't get to see their son very often anymore, because he's always off training or traveling the world, being a pro volleyball player and all that. But, still.

He was their son. He lived under their roof for so long. They had years to notice.

He's seen Sakusa in the middle of a video call with his parents. How is it that they notice Sakusa's face getting thinner in the span of a two minute call and not notice that their son is gay and it's been slowly killing him, hiding it from them his whole life?

Is it selective vision? What the fuck is that? Osamu could see it from a mile away.

Even worse, Atsumu's always been the type who liked being shown off. Especially to parents. He's a fucking dick, but for some reason, parents always loved him. Maybe it's the being an Olympian thing.

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