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The beginning of what felt like the end starts with a family dinner turned wrong.

Atsumu had told his parents about him pretty early on into their relationship. It was only a few weeks in when Sakusa had overheard Atsumu on the phone with them, talking about how cute he was. Then, they'd asked to speak to Sakusa and it was awkward for all of thirty seconds, until Atsumu's father had gone, "Kiyoomi-kun! Can I call you Kiyoomi? I heard you have freaky wrists! Can you send us a video?"

Safe to say, whenever they had day offs, more often than not, Sakusa wouldn't tell his own parents about them and instead would spend them in the Miya family home in Hyogo and found entertainment in watching the twins try to kill each other every few hours.

If not there, then he'd meet up with Komori and Yachi. He'd managed to minimize seeing his parents to... god, he doesn't even know. When was the last time he'd actually seen his parents in person before this? But, he knew he couldn't avoid them forever and even Atsumu, who wasn't even very fond of his parents, despite never meeting them as his boyfriend, had been reminding Sakusa that he couldn't stay in hiding.

He loved his parents, he did. Despite everything, despite the situation of having to lie about who he really is his entire life, he loved them. It's just that every single time he's forced to spend time with them, that's more than a five minute long video call, he remembers exactly why he'd spent so long trying to avoid them.

"So, Kiyoomi, we've noticed you haven't been in a relationship with anyone ever since that girl from high school," His mother starts and Sakusa thinks, oh god.

"And for a little while, we thought you'd end up with that cute girl you befriended from university, Yachi was it, but I guess she's not someone you see yourself with romantically?" And Sakusa thinks, jesus christ.

"He's probably just been too busy, honey." His dad reasons, taking another bite of chicken. "You know how it is with a job like theirs. They're all over the world all the time, it's probably difficult to form a proper connection with anyone you meet, isn't it?"

"Right." Sakusa manages to grit out. "Yeah."

"Still, we worry." His mom presses on, "I just hope you aren't lonely, you know? You're twenty five now! It's around the age you start thinking about marriage and having a family. You spend so much time on volleyball and too much with your teammates. I worry about your future, when you're older and can't play sports anymore."

"That's a long way to go." Sakusa says, forcing out a reassuring smile. "I'm doing well. I've been busy, but I've been happy. Really. I'm not even thinking about marriage yet."

He wasn't lying, to be fair. Even if they wanted to, he and Atsumu couldn't exactly get married here.

"Well, since you have a few days off," His mom starts, putting down her fork to clasp her hands together, and Sakusa recognizes that gesture as, Mom When She Is About To Say Something I Definitely Will Not Like, "I arranged something for you..."

"Mom." Sakusa says, voice strained, his eyes hardening.

"I tried to stop her." His dad points out, raising his hands, feigning innocence. "I told you he wouldn't like it." He adds, looking at his wife.

"Oh, but Kiyoomi, she's such a great girl. And she loves watching your games! She's a fan!" His mom gushes, "Her parents are good friends of ours and I asked if she'd want to meet you, and well,"

"Mom." Sakusa groans, burying his face in his hands. "I told you not to do something like this."

"Just one date." His mom begs. Sakusa almost feels angry at himself for still being so weak to his parents' wishes. "Just one and if you really don't like her, then I'll leave you alone."

A Lair's Truth (Atsumu x Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now