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The breeze is cold but the sun rays keep them warm. It's almost like the universe is blessing the outdoor wedding with perfect weather.

"See," Suna says, motioning to the sky, "God loves the gays! What does the church think they're even sayin'."

Osamu snorts, tilting his head up, closing his eyes, and feeling the warmth against his face. "I think even Jesus had enough of seein' those two suffer."

"Waaaah, the weather's so nice!" They hear a voice coming from behind them and they both turn around to see who it is.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Komori walks towards them, struggling to flatten his hair, along with Kita, and the two voices in question, Bokuto and Hinata.

"What're you guys doin' here?" Osamu raises an eyebrow at them, "Aren't ya supposed to be out front waitin' for the wedding to start?"

"We got bored." Hinata pouted, "And Kageyama and Yachi are taking forever to arrive."

"Why is your boyfriend riding with Yachi instead of you?" Bokuto asks, not meaning anything by it, just genuinely confused.

"Hey!" Hinata exclaims, "It's just because they live closer to each other! If I wasn't living with you, it'd be me driving him here, okay!"

"S'till a mystery to me how the hell Sakusa and Yachi ended up being best friends." Kita hums, sitting next to Suna. "Do you guys know how that happened?

Komori shrugs, chuckling lightly. "Gay solidarity, I suppose."

"Sometimes," Osamu sighs, leaning back, turning to look at Suna, "That's all ya really need."

Suna smiles. "Especially for him. I dunno everything but based on the shit Atsumu used to tell us, his Omi-kun was in a pretty shit situation."

"He still kinda is." Bokuto points out, taking out a meat bun from his pocket. "I mean... they're not coming, are they?"

"Bokuto-san, why tha hell d'ya have a meat bun in yer pocket?" Osamu deadpans.

He's not even rewarded with an answer. Honestly, Osamu's not even sure if he wanted to know.

"I don't think they are." Komori says, his gaze somewhere far away. "But I think... Sakusa's alright now. I think he's gonna be alright."

"Because he has Atsumu-san now!" Hinata cheers, "Now and for the rest of their lives! Right?"

"Hell yeah!" Bokuto exclaims, "Tsum-Tsum was the only one who ever made him not all... you know, Sakusa -ish. And now they'll be together forever. Hell yeah!"

Everyone smiles fondly at the two. They were annoying a lot of the time, but everyone, whether they admitted it or not, had a soft spot just for them.

"Maybe, we should act as Omi's parents!" Bokuto says, as if it's the best idea ever. "What if I walked him down the aisle."

"He'd murder you." Suna points out.

"No, he'd love it! Right, Komori-kun?"

"He'd murder you." Komori repeats. "Besides... someone's already in charge of walking him down the aisle."

Kita raises his head. "You?"

Komori blinks. "He'd murder me."

A Lair's Truth (Atsumu x Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now