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Sakusa Kiyoomi

I'm sending this message to the both of you at the same time to save my breath.

Komori, Yachi. Mother of all that is good and holy. Fucking save me.

God, if you're real, take me. I am your child.

It's only been three months. I thought being his teammate would be bearable, which, it would've been if we were just teammates. But, no. Oh no, we had to be roommates. Again. Fucking. Again. You know what happened the last time we were roommates? We slept together.

Well, we jerked each other off but same difference. And that was the product of us being roommates for a measly four nights and five days. It only took 4 nights and the view of him in a towel for me to crack. Now, I've been seeing him in a towel near daily and we're spending almost every waking hour together. Last night, we watched Attack on Titan and he fell asleep on my shoulder. He drooled all over it and I didn't even think it was gross. Think about that.

Last week, he made me blow dry his hair for him and it was so fucking soft. How does he keep it that soft when he dyes it all the time? Now, I'm pissed, turned on, and curious about what hair product he uses.

I think I'm gonna die. And I know you're probably gonna say, just sleep with him, just kiss him and be done with it, it'll be fine, it's not like your parents still live with you. And maybe you're right. It's not like I haven't done it with other people.

But I can't just kiss him and be done with it, because if I kiss him, I'm done. That's it. I'll take one step and I won't be able to make myself go back. I'm set for life. You get me?

And I know you're gonna tell me I can't live like this my whole life, but I don't know what other choice I have. Be myself and lose my fucking family? I can't do that. You guys know I can't do that. They're assholes a lot, and I hate them sometimes, especially for this, but they're still my parents and I love them.

Do you think the blow of me being gay will be lessened if I tell them the one I'm in love with also happens to be a star volleyball player? Fuck.

He's been walking around shirtless more often. That irritating smirk he used to use to get to me back in high school is back in full force. It's worse now than it was then, if you can believe it. I think he knows what he's doing. I feel myself starting to crack and I think he can tell. Does he think things will be different this time? Actually, now that I think about it, will they be?

That's up to me, isn't it? I wanna die.

Fuck this shit.

Komori Motoya

RIP Sakusa Kiyoomi

COD: Idiocy Brought By Homophobic Boomers 😔✊🏻

you'll be fine. im not gonna tell you things you already know.

Yachi Hitoka

Be brave, Sakusa Kiyoomi! It's your life! Why live it any other way than how you want to?

This is the chance you didn't think you were ever gonna get!!! Don't be an idiot!!! Take it! !!!!! And no matter what, we'll be right here. Always right here! 😙

The breaking point comes in the form of locker room talk.

"What the fuck, Shoyo?" Atsumu exclaims, pulling his socks off, "Since when were you 'n Tobio an item?"

"Uh," He starts, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, "It's... a recent development. But, we've sort of been dancing around each other for years, so..."

A Lair's Truth (Atsumu x Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now