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Sakusa Kiyoomi grew up as an only child raised by two very religious and very strict parents. Which was, in a lot of ways, fucking hilarious, because he grew up becoming absolutely nothing like how they wanted him to be.

His favorite childhood story will always be the day he apparently spoke for the first time. His dad had been carrying him in his arms and trying to convince him to say the word ' Dada' for a full thirty minutes.

Instead, little Sakusa opened his mouth, took a breath, and in the sweetest, tiniest voice they'd ever heard coming from a baby boy, said,

"No ❤️"

It's the perfect foreshadowing of the rest of the shit his parents were going to be up against as he grew older. Which is why, like Sakusa said, it was his favorite childhood story. He kind of applauded his one year old self.

His one year old self who was able to say no to his father without a hint of fear or hesitation, was to this day, the bravest he'd ever been.

Sakusa Kiyoomi grew up studying in an all-boys school where priests controlled more than taught. He learned at an early age to love your neighbor as you love yourself, do not rape, do not steal, be faithful to your spouse, and also don't eat meat during Holy Week and don't be gay?

(He didn't really get those last ones. Why the hell did Jesus care about meat during that one particular week and what did he have against gay people? He's the one who made them. They're straight up vibing.)

Sakusa Kiyoomi was fifteen the first time he saw Miya Atsumu across a volleyball net.

His hair the ugly color of mustard, a cocky smile, and the thickest pair of thighs he had ever seen on a boy his age, covered in sweat.

The first thing he remembers thinking at that moment, as the whistle blew signaling the first serve, staring at Miya Atsumu as Miya Atsumu stared back at him, was one of the first things he learned in elementary school.

Gay people go to hell.

Sakusa Kiyoomi is fifteen when he first lays his eyes on Miya Atsumu and learns that in this world, he was allowed to be absolutely anything but himself.


Miya Atsumu grew up as a twin brother. The better, more good-looking, more talented twin brother, as he'd always said. Osamu didn't really care what he said.

(Whatever the hell makes ya sleep at night, Tsumu.)

Their parents loved them, spoiled them, Atsumu with all the comic books he wanted and Osamu with all the snacks he wanted. And in return, the twins paid them back with love and volleyball awards. I mean, they also paid them back with screaming matches and terrible temper tantrums but there was always love.

Atsumu's favorite childhood story is the same as Osamu's favorite.

They'd been about eight when their parents had left them at home for an hour to go grocery shopping, which was a mistake on their part. In their defense though, the twins had always been fairly independent and trustworthy (in some ways) and it's not like they knew their sons would take that once in a lifetime opportunity to watch porn for the first time.

A few minutes in, Osamu pressed the pause button and turned to look at his brother, looking slightly constipated.

"Is it weird that I liked lookin' at the boy more than the girl?" Osamu asked in a hushed, panicked whisper. "Tsumu, I ain't weird, am I?"

Atsumu wrapped an arm around him and squeezed lightly, shaking his head. "Course not, Samu. You couldn't be weird." He says, sounding so sure of himself, "'Cause I liked lookin' at him too. I mean, I liked lookin' at both of them, but him a little more, ya know? And I ain't weird. So you ain't weird either."

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