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When Osamu opens the doors, the first thing he hears is the word 'SUNARIIIIIIIIN' in the form of a sob.

The first thing he sees is his brother on his knees, crying so hard that he's ruining his makeup that's been retouched twice, as Suna tiredly wiped his tears away with a tissue.

"Atsumu, please, ya fuckin' drama queen," Suna begs, cringing at the residue left on the tissue. "Yer gettin' married in a few hours, get it together."

"I caaaaaaan't," He cries, "I'm just... so happy. I'm so happy. I'm gettin' married, Rin."

"Okay, that's enough." Osamu says, finally making his presence known, kneeling down by Suna and his brother. "For cryin' out loud, Tsumu. Yer bein' a mess. Don't expect me to cover for you out there if ya can't get it together. I stepped in for yer Biology exam but I ain't gettin' married in yer place, ya hear me?"

Atsumu sniffs and pouts as Osamu grabs the tissue in Suna's hand and takes charge of looking after him the way he has his whole life.

He's relieved he has Sakusa to take over that role now. But a part of him can't help but feel a little left behind. He's always been Atsumu's other half. He's always been The Other Miya.

Okay, maybe he was still in the middle of trying to accept that that's about to change. Sue him.

Maybe it's a twin thing but Atsumu seems to pick up on it immediately and stops crying to throw his arms around his brother.

Osamu grunts and tries to push him off but Atsumu only hugs him tighter.

"Get off me, ya scrub."

"No." Atsumu says. "I love ya."

Osamu tries not to start crying too. "Ya should, after everythin' I've done for ya. Now, go get yer makeup done again."

Atsumu makes a tiny noise of confirmation and peels himself off.

"I love ya." He repeats. "Say it back."



"I love ya." Osamu relents. "Go get yer makeup fixed."

Atsumu stands up, smoothing his tux down, and glances at his brother and Suna.

"You two aren't gonna kill each other on my wedding day, are ya?"

Suna rolls his eyes and Osamu does the same.

"Course not." Suna scoffs, punching Atsumu's shoulder. "We'll do it tomorrow. The fuck d'ya take us for, huh?"

Atsumu looks them both over for a second longer before nodding and giving them both a shaky smile. "Thanks."

"Sap." Osamu deadpans. "I said go get yer makeup fixed."

He finally does.

Osamu and Suna stay planted in their positions for a while, watching Atsumu go, before turning to look at each other.

It's awkward.

It's always been, the past months they'd had to be left with each other, but it's warm just the same.

Suna shoves him lightly with his elbow. "How're ya feelin'? He's gettin' married before you. Who woulda thought there was someone out there crazy enough to take him on, huh?"

A very small part of Osamu thinks, it could've been me. But he pushes that very small voice down and instead says, "Sakusa Kiyoomi's always been fuckin' insane, though. Tsumu's just a part of why."

Suna hums. "Those two... are changin' the fuckin' world, aren't they?"

Osamu crosses his arms in front of his chest, exhales deeply. "Two of the most famous volleyball players in the god damn country're about to get married, Rin. And they're fuckin' gay. Doesn't get any more world changin' than that."

"Who woulda thought back then, y'know?" Suna muses. "That this could happen?"

"Who woulda thought?" Osamu echoes, voice nearly a whisper.

A Lair's Truth (Atsumu x Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now