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It's a weird place to be in.

Being not quite lovers yet, but not just friends either. Kissing each other good morning and good night, but never going past that. (They made out once... okay, a few times... alright, so they almost had sex a few times, they were drunk, whatever.) Sharing the same apartment, but not sleeping in the same bed. (Except for all the times they'd accidentally fall asleep together on the couch, shut up , they really were accidents.)

It's a strange in between that only happened because of a situation that's so specific to them so it's no wonder, really, that no one else understands what the fuck is going on.

"So you're telling me," Bokuto starts, looking thoroughly confused, "that you're not together... but also, together."

"Yep." Atsumu nods, comfortably resting his head against Sakusa's arm thrown around his shoulders.

"So, Omi-kun isn't your boyfriend." Bokuto clarifies.


"Okay... So, is he allowed to have a boyfriend?"

"Only if it's me!"

"What if it isn't?"

"I'll slice his head off."

"Atsumu." Sakusa scolds, whacking him on the back of the head.

"This is making my head hurt." Hinata complains, massaging his temples. "Why is everything with you guys so complicated?"

"Yeah, Omi," Atsumu repeats, blinking up at Sakusa, "Why is everything with us so complicated?"

Sakusa gives him a look. "You know why."

"I knooooow." Atsumu whines, "But, Omi, I miss ya."

"We live together." Sakusa deadpans. "We work together too."

"Not like that." Atsumu argues, "I miss sleepin' in one bed! I miss kissing you! I miss havin' yer dick in my ass!"

"Yep, and that's our cue to leave!" Hinata says, slapping his thighs and standing up, setting his empty beer bottle down on the table. "Let's go, Bokuto-san! It's getting late! Let's leave before this gets—"

"No, wait, I'm intrigued." Bokuto says, leaning forward. "Omi-kun, do you always top?"

"Bokuto-san!" Hinata yells, pulling him up by the arm. "We're leaving! Bye, guys!"

When the door clicks shut, Sakusa starts laughing. "Omi-kun, do you always top, he said."

Atsumu pouts a little. "What d'ya think it is? Even the fans think so. I'm fuckin' 6 feet tall and have arguably bigger thighs than you. Is it my aura?"

"Yeah, it's probably 'cause you're a big baby bitch." Sakusa answers, honestly. "That's probably it."

Atsumu reaches out and pinches his nose in retaliation.

"Ow! The fuck, Atsumu!" Sakusa yelps, grabbing his wrist.

"See, that's what ya get fer bein' mean to me." Atsumu laughs, letting go.

They're quiet for a few minutes after that, basking in each other's presence, Atsumu drawing circles on Sakusa's stomach, Sakusa's lips just pressed against the top of his head.

"Omi?" He mumbles.


"Will you apologize and be my boyfriend again now?"

Sakusa's breath comes out as a muted chuckle. "You're cute."

"What?" Atsumu fusses, slapping his stomach lightly. "Say yes, ya asshole."

"Atsumu," Sakusa says, grabbing onto Atsumu's hand, "You know I've never not been yours, right?"

He makes a small, whiny noise. "I know that."

"There's just one more thing I have to do." Sakusa says, and it reads like an oath, "Just one more. And then, I'll apologize to you and make you the happiest fucking man on earth."

Atsumu sighs deeply, groaning into Sakusa's chest. "Fine. I'll be patient. But just so you know, once this is over, yer eatin' my neglected ass for breakfast everyday, ya hear me?"

Sakusa gulps. "Is that supposed to be a threat?"

Atsumu looks up with a sly smirk. "A temptation."

"Fuck you," Sakusa grumbles, "I hate you, the thought of doing it made me hard, damn you."

Atsumu properly laughs at the sight, the fucking bitch that he is. "A man gettin' hard at the mere thought of putting his tongue in my ass? Ya really are my fuckin' soulmate, Omi-Omi. Never leave me."

"I can't." He says, hopelessly. "God knows I've tried."

That night, after having to tuck Atsumu into bed like the spoiled brat he is, Sakusa leans against the wall and drafts the most important letter he'll probably ever have to make. He feels his fingers hesitate and tremble, but he takes a breath and steels himself.

In and out. Inhale, exhale. Even if it won't be okay, it'll be fine.

Mom and dad, it's Kiyoomi. I'm saying it just in case you deleted my number...

A Lair's Truth (Atsumu x Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now