Chapter 24- Murder

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Iris's POV:

Ali hasn't been home in a week. I'm really starting to get nervous. What did she do?

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Ringo with a bag of various items from the coffee shop. "Hey, Iris," he smiled. "Can we talk?"

"Sure, come in," I answered him. He placed the bag on the table and started to get the food out. He bought two bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits and two lattes. "Wow, you sprung for everything, didn't you?" I said taking a bite of my biscuit.

"Yeah, I try," he blushed.

After a few minutes of eating, I finally decided to ask him why he came. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure that you were alright. You seem kind of out of it, lately."

I froze for a second. "W-Well, it's just... my sister. I'm worried about her."


"She told me she had to go somewhere and she hasn't come back yet. She does this sometimes, and when she does, she's usually in trouble. I-"

He stopped me. He grabbed my hand and spoke to me. "Iris, I hate seeing you worried. Your sister causes you to be way more stressed then you should. I know that she just came back from the dead, but you have to realize that your life doesn't revolve around Alison DiLaurentis. It needs to be about you. Iris DiLaurentis, the coolest, smartest, most beautiful girl that I know." He was looking at me with those beautiful light blue eyes he had. He threw me completely off guard. In that moment, I wasn't thinking of my sister or -A or any of that. Instead, I was thinking of how my eyes were closing and how we were both leaning in. His lips brushed up against mine and sparks flew everywhere. This was my first kiss; I was a normal teenager for once in my life.

I wrapped arms around him, and he did the same. This felt so right! I needed this!

We stayed like this until a sound came from nowhere. I jumped until I realized it was just the TV. I think Ringo landed on the remote and turned it on. I was about to turn it off when I saw a familiar blonde: Alison?

"Breaking News: Just a few days ago, Mona and Janet Vanderwaal were viciously murdered at a local abandoned house. Police were able to locate the bodies after an anonymous tip at the crime scene."

"It has just been discovered that local resident Alison DiLaurentis was with the Vanderwaals before their tragic murder. Police say that Ms. DiLaurentis was recently found with blood covering her body and has been taken into custody until further details of the murder can be released. We will keep you updated on this tragic story."

I tried to fight back the tears, but they came out anyway. I cried and cried and cried. My best friend was dead and now my sister was in prison. Ringo didn't say a word; he just took me in his arms as I cried my eyes out.

(Hey guys! So, there is only one chapter left of this story! *sobbing* *wipes tears* Anyway, after the last chapter, there will be an epilogue, and that will set up the plot for (drumroll please).... the sequel! Now here's my thoughts on this chapter: Iris just can't have a good day! Wow! And, once again, RIP Mona. (And Janet.) Anyway, I love you guys so much and I thank you for making this story a huge success!) :)

Kisses, -S-

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