Chapter 15- Sister: Adopted or Half?

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"Why do you need to speak to my daughter?" she asked.

"She and I need to... talk about Spencer and her well-being," I said.

"Fine. Though I don't trust you..."

"Mrs. Hastings, I know my sister was absolutely terrible to you and your family, but she's changed. She's been through so much. Thank you for letting me talk to Melissa."

She shrugged and let me in. Melissa and Mr. Hastings looked at me with confused glances.

"Mom? Who is this?" Melissa asked pointing at me.

"This is Iris DiLaurentis. Alison's little sister," she said scowling. For some reason, people hate finding out that I exist.

"Melissa, I need to talk to you. Now," I told her.

"Ok..." she said. "Come with me." She led me upstairs to a bedroom, and by the looks of it, it was ethier her's or Spencer's.

"I know that you're working against my sister. I know about the meeting tomorrow with Mona and Lucas. And you know what else?! I also know that you and Mona were the ones who abducted me! The question is: why?! What could you possibly get from an abandoned fifteen year old girl?!"

She sat there in shock. "You more know than you should. That's why I tried to get rid of you, you worthless rat. I'm disgusted to be your half sister!" She shut her mouth after that. Wait, what?

"H-half sister? H-how is that even..."

"You're not as smart as I'd thought. My father and your mother had another affair many years after Jason. Only this time, they put you in an orphanage so they wouldn't have to look at you."

Mrs. Hastings came up. "Iris? Are you alright?"

"I should go. My mom's in the hospital," I said running out. Melissa grabbed my arm.

"What do you mean your mom's in the hospital?"

"Like you didn't know. I found her halfway buried alive with no pulse or signs of breathing. I need to go!" I ran out of the house and straight to the hospital. My phone rang. Alison DiLaurentis, it read. She's ok!

"Ali?! Where are you?! I was so worried!" I exclaimed. I started to cry because I was so relieved.

"I'm in New York," she replied simply.

"New York?! What the heck?! You said you would be back yesterday!"

"I know, I'm sorry! The girls asked me for more information privately, so I gave it to them. Then, someone came after us. I thought it was Ezra at first, but then someone in total black came out and had a gun. Ezra tried to protect us, Hanna got the gun, and the person almost got away. In the process-" Alison started to tear up, "Ezra got shot." I dropped the phone. I fell to the ground. No. No. No! "Iris? Iris!"

"I'm coming to New York. Where are you?"

"You can't come! You're too important!"

"I don't care. I need to be with my sister. No matter what crazy mess she's in!"

"Thank you, Iris. I'm at the Fitzgerald theater. The girls are talking right now."

"They're with you? Thank goodness!"

"Aria's with Ezra, but the rest of them are with me. I'll see you soon, ok?"

"See you soon." I hung up, relieved by hearing from my sister. Or, half sister, I guess. That means I'm going to have to cancel my date with Ringo... oh well, family is more important. I sent him a text on how I had family issues going on right now.

Well, time to go to the theater.

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